
Everything you wanted to know about the CARES Act Provider Relief Funds but HHS wouldn’t answer until July 23

HHS made an important distinction when it clarified that while general distribution funds can be reallocated to providers under common corporate ownership, targeted distributions must remain with the provider who received them.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 28, 2020

7 ways to improve collaboration between finance and clinical leadership

By taking the right approach to collaboration, healthcare finance and clinical leaders can improve results for their patients and their organizations.

Nick Hut July 27, 2020

How artificial intelligence makes healthcare finance more human

Healthcare finance departments can use artificial intelligence to reduce repetitive work and allow employees to take on roles that are more analytical.

Jane C. Kaye, MBA July 27, 2020

Why a crisis makes finance-clinical collaboration more important

Crisis, like the COID-19 pandemic, underscores the need for and benefits from better collaboration between finance and clinical leaders of healthcare organizations.

Rich Daly July 24, 2020

Everything you wanted to know about the CARES Act PRF but HHS was afraid to answer through July 16

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says taxing for-profit providers’ PRF funding seems counterproductive, counterintuitive and counter to Congress’s intention, and could particularly hurt independent physician practices.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 22, 2020

7 tips for effectively managing a remote healthcare finance team

To effectively manage accounting teams who are increasingly working from home in this new environment created by the COVID-19 crisis, healthcare organizations can take lessons from organizations that have experience in managing a remote workforce.

Martin Moll July 22, 2020

Message to the HFMA Community

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer urges healthcare finance professionals to rethink their efforts around diversity and inclusion within their own organizations.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA July 6, 2020

CAHME releases Advanced Search tool to enable students to compare and evaluate graduate programs in healthcare management in the US and Canada

The Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) has released a web-based tool which enables the general public, students, employers, and university-based programs to compare and evaluate the performance and outcomes of graduate programs in healthcare management education.

HFMA June 24, 2020

Virginia Mason Institute transformation expert says healthcare systems can reduce waste and improve their margins

Virginia Mason Institute’s Rhonda Stewart shares how healthcare systems can reduce costs and improve patient and worker metrics by eliminating waste.

Deborah Filipek June 24, 2020

Mayo Clinic CFO Dennis Dahlen on physician leaders, consumerism and his Role as a finance leader

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer interviews Dennis Dahlen, CFO at Mayo Clinic, about heading up finance at one of the top healthcare institutions in the country. Dahlen discusses the importance of physician leaders, Mayo's commitment to a patient-centric environment and his role as a finance leader.

Erika Grotto June 23, 2020
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