Telemedicine is exploding, but where is the ROI for health systems?
Telehealth is well on its way to having much broader acceptance and use than was seen at any time prior to the COVID-19 crisis. Yet there continue to be barriers and challenges in its widespread adoption.
What’s new in the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQs as of Aug. 27
On Aug. 27, HHS updated who should attest to the terms and conditions when a parent organization receives a targeted distribution payment for a subsidiary.
J. Ryan Lindsay’s feel-good article published in local newspaper
We recognize our late members Dauner and Matheney, plus Lindsay's published article in his local newspaper and other members who announce new jobs or promotions.
HFMA’s Chapters go virtual with a series of webinars and a newsletter launch
Two HFMA Chapters share how they are connecting virtually with their members during the COVID-19 pandemic, including hosting h online events and sharing Chapter highlights in a newsletter.
How Spectrum Health achieved a $64.3 million margin improvement
Strong change management played a key role in an HFMA MAP Award winner’s revenue cycle transformation.
The age of COVID-19: What’s a seasoned meeting planner to do?
Gretchen Bliss, HFMA’s Director of Meetings and Conferences, shares how amid the COVID-19 pandemic, HFMA and its staff redirected efforts to bring members a six-day Digital Annual Conference in lieu of a live event.
News briefs: Trends in hospital volumes and margins, and other forces shaping healthcare finance
Read about the key factors that shaped healthcare finance policy and practice June and July 2020.
News briefs September 2020: Trends in hospital volumes and margins, and other forces shaping healthcare finance
Read about the key factors that shaped healthcare finance policy and practice in August 2020.
Funny the way it is: Reflecting on healthcare industry dislocations
Healthcare leaders can go a long way toward improving the nation's healthcare cost problem by understanding health inequity its origins. Some dislocations have been triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, but others have long existed in the industry.
Healthcare leaders must take multitasking to an enterprisewide level
The extent to which hospital and health system executive teams can multitask will be a determining factor in whether these organizations will succeed in continuing to manage the ongoing operational and financial threats from the COVID-19 pandemic.