
5 keys to succession planning with leadership consultant Anton Gunn

Listen to the podcast. Imagine for a moment that you win the lottery tonight. Congratulations! You’re off to Tahiti, and it’s goodbye to the day job. Have you thought about who’s going to take your place? Now, imagine your boss bought a lottery ticket and has pulled you aside to say, “If I win big,…

Erika Grotto January 6, 2022

The HFMA editorial team discusses the biggest healthcare stories of the year and looks ahead to 2022

HFMA's award-winning editorial team looks back on key stories from 2021 in the news, hfm magazine, HFMA's Community, the podcast and more.

Erika Grotto December 22, 2021

Recruitment and retention strategies can help mitigate impacts of the Great Resignation

To maintain a high-quality workforce, hospitals and health systems must take deliberate steps to address common pitfalls in the recruiting process and to adopt proven strategies for enhancing retention.

Joni Coccagna December 22, 2021

Key takeaways from HFMA’s latest Outlook Survey: Healthcare finance professionals anticipate technology-driven changes

HFMA’s most recent Outlook Survey of healthcare finance professionals highlights the potential of technology to usher in big changes in upcoming years.

Nick Hut December 22, 2021

Relief meets reality: The pandemic is not over yet

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer reflects on another challenging year for healthcare.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 16, 2021

Ready for the moment: After her historic appointment as HFMA Chair, Tammie Jackson is eager to get to work on key healthcare issues

As the healthcare industry and the world at large increasingly focus on issues of social justice, Tammie Jackson on June 1 becomes the first Black person to serve as Chair in HFMA’s 75-year history.

Nick Hut December 13, 2021

A bill to mitigate scheduled Medicare payment cuts of $14 billion is ready to go in Congress

The House of Representatives is set to vote on a bill that would nullify a large share of 2022 Medicare payment cuts.

Nick Hut December 9, 2021

The COVID-19-induced surge in healthcare labor costs is testing hospitals and health systems

Struggles with the pandemic’s financial impact on the healthcare workforce leave few alternatives besides innovation, say industry experts and leaders on the front lines.

Nick Hut December 9, 2021

Hospital-at-home care promises to reshape healthcare delivery in the United States

Two leaders of health system hospital-at-home programs describe how the acute hospital care at home model represents an important change in how our nation approaches healthcare delivery, because it has been shown to yield improved care outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

Eric C. Reese, PhD December 9, 2021

Jill Geisler: 9 ways difficult conversations go south and how to keep that from happening

Avoiding difficult conversations can lead to unhealthy organizations. Jill Geisler talks about common ways conversations can derail and how leaders can get them back on track.

Jill Geisler December 9, 2021
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