
Healthcare CFOs can benefit from also being strong financial analysts  

Starting out in healthcare as a financial analyst is a somewhat unusual place to embark on the career path to becoming CFO of large academic medical center (AMC). But that’s the path that Wendy Fielding, MBA, a 30-year member of HFMA, took on her journey to becoming CFO and system vice president of finance at…

Steven Berger, FHFMA December 5, 2022

Cloudmed, an R1 company, helps health systems get paid for the care they provide

Using one company’s AI platform, health systems will find uncovered funds that can be used to hire essential practitioners, build new facilities and fund outreach programs.

HFMA December 5, 2022

Revenue cycle technology budgets rise to meet need for automation, AI and robotics, says new survey

See five areas where there is room for additional automation according to respondents in a recent survey. Also read about using AI in the revenue cycle and the benefits it brings hospitals and healthcare systems such as dealing with staffing challenges, dwindling margins and increased denial rates.

HFMA December 1, 2022

Joe Fifer: Adopting a health equity lens

This year, we dedicated HFMA’s annual Thought Leadership Retreat to the topic of health equity. That topic could be viewed as a bit of a departure for HFMA, given that our Association is focused on finance. But I strongly believe, along with the majority of our retreat participants, that healthcare stakeholders must use a health…

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 18, 2022

10 Steps Toward Health Equity

The push to achieve equity in health and healthcare is daunting. It’s a multifaceted societal quest in which the goal is to fix disparities that have been entrenched throughout U.S. history. HFMA’s 2022 Thought Leadership Retreat brought together stakeholders from across healthcare Sept. 15-16 in Washington, D.C., to advance the dialogue in this effort. Although…

Nick Hut November 16, 2022

Wendy Fielding: Healthcare CFOs can benefit from having a financial analyst’s perspective

Wendy Fielding, MBA, a 30-year member of HFMA, and CFO and system vice president of finance at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, New Hampshire, values the lessons she learned from her early experience as a financial analyst in healthcare. And she applies those lessons learned as she helps her organization today realize its commitment to value-based care and improving access to care for its patients.

Steven Berger, FHFMA November 1, 2022

Aaron Crane: Poker lessons for healthcare finance

HFMA Chair Aaron Crane believes the game of poker provides valuable lessons for healthcare finance professionals navigating the current industry environment.

Aaron R. Crane, FHFMA, MHA October 25, 2022

Hilda Dalfonso assumes new CFO position

HFMA members Hilda Dalfonso, Jennifer Doll, Kim Hodgkinson and Russ Ranallo were recently named to new healthcare system CFO positions.

Crystal Milazzo October 24, 2022

HFMA member is thankful for the Association’s impact on her life

Candi Powers, a member of HFMA’s West Virginia Chapter, credits HFMA with changing the trajectory of her life after she became a member in 2005.

Deborah Filipek October 24, 2022

Arizona Chapter forges unique partnership

Arizona HFMA Chapter partners with the Diaper Bank of Central Arizona to raise awareness of a critical need and provide needed supplies to low-income families.

Crystal Milazzo October 24, 2022
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