
First Female CEO to Lead a Venture-Capital-Backed Startup to IPO Shares Secret of her Success

Fifteen years ago, at age 40, Therese Tucker founded the accounting software company Blackline. Despite a rough and winding road to success, she didn't give up her dream, using grit and an entrepreneurial spirit to fuel her journey.  

Rachael Zimlich February 24, 2017

Population Health: It’s Personal

To achieve effective population health management, healthcare providers must engage with patients and empower them to manage their own health.

Mary Mirabelli, FHFMA February 21, 2017

Alternative Payment Models: The Courage to Lead

Healthcare finance leaders are finding the courage to move forward with value-based payment despite the uncertainties of a new administration in Washington, D.C.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA February 21, 2017

The Promise of Behavioral Economics for Health

David A. Asch discusses the effects of behavioral economics on healthcare efforts.

David A. Asch February 20, 2017

Managing the Ethical Aspects of MACRA

Value is the key driver and organizing principle of MACRA and MIPS. Therefore, it is critical to define value from the view of different healthcare stakeholders.

William Marty Martin February 14, 2017

Define Your Destination Through Personal Branding

HFMA Career Coach Joe Abel looks at the winding career path of Dorie Clark, CEO of Clark Strategic Communications, and how she became a recognized expert in personal branding. Using Clark's principles, Abel provides a wealth of information about how to reinvent yourself through personal branding. 

Joe Abel, CPCC, ACC, PhD February 8, 2017

How to Select the ‘One Word’ that Represents Your Personal Brand

Author Evan Carmichael’s book, "Your One Word: The Powerful Secret to Creating a Business and Life That Matter," coaches readers into developing the one word that encompasses their personal brands and aspirations to guide them to success.  

Betty Hintch, CHFP February 7, 2017

Collaborating on Patient Safety and Clinical Quality

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, talks about the role of finance leaders in collaborating on patient safety and clinical quality. 

HFMA February 2, 2017

Video: Taking Career Risks Can Pay Off

Joanne Judge, co-chair of the Health Law Department at Stevens & Lee, talks about risks she has taken as CFO, CEO, and as a healthcare attorney and how risk-taking has benefited her career. 

HFMA January 30, 2017

Helping Clinical Leadership Manage and Control Nurse Staffing Costs

Clinical and financial staff must work together in order to create a nurse staffing strategy that serves the organization’s needs.

Spence Lloyd January 30, 2017
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