Financial Leadership

Healthcare News of Note: Healthcare private equity deals amounted to a strong $90B in 2022

In 2022, healthcare private equity deals reached nearly $90 billion, the second highest on record. Concerns about increased workloads, staffing shortages and burnout have been felt most acutely by less experienced nurses, according to a newly published study. Patients seeking care in safety-net clinics are accruing chronic diseases at high rates in middle age, indicating…

Deborah Filipek April 28, 2023

UASI names Nancy Koors as CEO 

Nancy Koors, MBA, MS, recently became CEO of UASI. The company, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, provides revenue cycle management solutions including coding, clinical documentation integrity and healthcare information management, and consulting services.   Koors is an experienced C-suite executive who has held leadership positions at startups and mid-market organizations in various industries. She joined UASI in…

Crystal Milazzo April 27, 2023

Nebraska Chapter celebrates a legacy of leadership 

HFMA members often refer to fellow members as family. The term captures the close bond that forms out of shared interests and experiences. Actual family and HFMA family were recently one and the same, however, when Virgil Guthrie, a former Nebraska Chapter president, watched his grandson Kyle Teel, FHFMA, CPA, assume the same office he…

Crystal Milazzo April 27, 2023

HFMA learner uses revenue cycle certification to raise healthcare finance quality

Dr. Naif Alhakbani, revenue cycle management officer at Kidney Care Company, Saudi Arabia, recently shared with HFMA his enthusiasm for helping healthcare organizations optimize their revenue cycle and improve financial performance. “By improving their finances and clinical integrity, healthcare providers can receive payment for the services they provide, allowing them to continue to provide high-quality…

Betty Hintch, CHFP April 21, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: What can be done to correct data disparities in women’s health?

The prevalence of women’s health conditions is roughly five times that of their documented diagnoses, which means for every woman diagnosed with a women’s health condition, roughly four go undiagnosed. The 2023 emergency medicine Match will see 555 initially unmatched positions, affecting a larger number of residency programs than in 2022, when 219 unmatched positions…

Deborah Filipek April 17, 2023

Healthcare News of Note:  The healthcare sector was targeted by nearly 24% of cyber-attack activity in 2022 

When it comes to the number of malicious cybersecurity events targeting customers in the Americas, the healthcare industry is second, just behind finance.  Contrary to its previously announced plans, the U.S. Department of Justice is not pursuing a further challenge to UnitedHealth Group’s purchase of Change Healthcare.  The average pay for physicians decreased 2.4% in…

Deborah Filipek April 10, 2023

Dennis Laraway joins Cleveland Clinic as CFO 

Dennis L. Laraway, MBA, officially joined Cleveland Clinic as CFO on March 13. An experienced financial leader, Laraway has held CFO positions at several large integrated health systems, including Memorial Hermann Health System in Houston, Scott & White Healthcare in Temple, Texas, and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix. Most recently, he served…

Crystal Milazzo March 30, 2023

South Texas Chapter event exceeds expectations 

HFMA’s South Texas Chapter hosted a women’s leadership conference on Jan. 20 in Austin, Texas. The theme was Empower, Encourage, Elevate, and it was the first event of its kind for the Chapter. Things went so well that they’re already planning to do it again next year. Trying something different Amy Raymond, vice president of…

Crystal Milazzo March 29, 2023

Aaron Crane: There’s real value to be found in exhibit halls 

Workforce gaps, cost inflation and revenue cycle inefficiency are driving unprecedented pressure on margins, while our communities demand greater value. Today’s healthcare finance leaders are grappling with at least one ― if not all ― of these issues. And they’re looking for solutions. As I travel around the country to various HFMA regional and chapter…

Aaron R. Crane, FHFMA, MHA March 28, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: Most board members of the nation’s top hospitals work in finance or business

Less than 15% of board members at a sampling of the nation’s top hospitals are health professionals, while 56% work in finance or business. Since 2014, the number of medically disenfranchised people in the U.S. nearly doubled from 56 million to over 100 million, causing stress for providers and lower rates of immunization and rising…

Deborah Filipek March 17, 2023
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