Leadership & Professional Development

Oregon Chapter creates an informational campaign for new Enterprise members

HFMA's Oregon Chapter has embarked on a campaign to help its Enterprise members enjoy the full value and benefits of membership in the Association.

Eric C. Reese, PhD August 31, 2019

Jill Geisler: Why prioritizing workplace integrity matters

Healthcare leaders should strive to achieve workplace integrity for their organizations: environments free of harassment, discrimination and incivility, and filled with opportunity.

Jill Geisler August 27, 2019

Discovering your leadership superpowers and ‘origin story’ on the journey to becoming an effective leader

Leaders can enhance their leadership ability by pinpointing their chief assets as leaders and examining their origin stories to understand what motivates them.

J. Bryan Bennett August 21, 2019

Avera Health facilitates dialogue to strengthen care delivery across the organization

Avera Health has managed to seamlessly integrate clinical and operational processes across its system by focusing on collaboration and enhanced communication.

Elizabeth Barker August 2, 2019

Certifications create opportunities at WVU Medicine

HFMA’s Enterprise membership provides organizations with the tools they need to advance their staff and improve performance.

Erika Grotto August 1, 2019

Turning conflict into collaboration: How to manage workplace disagreements

Dealing with the increased likelihood of workplace conflict, healthcare leaders can use best practices to turn conflicts into positive situations.

Doug McKinley, PsyD July 15, 2019

Fear Factor, HFMA style

HFMA's current Chair, Michael Allen, urges finance professionals not to shy away from fear and failure, but to embrace them and grow as a result.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA June 30, 2019

HFMA’s South Texas Chapter wins highest chapter honor

South Texas Chapter of HFMA earns the Robert M. Shelton Award.

Rich Daly June 26, 2019

Ann Paul wins individual achievement award

The 2019 Frederick C. Morgan Individual Achievement Award went to Ann Paul.

Rich Daly June 26, 2019

Reflections on a year of imagining a better tomorrow

Healthcare finance leaders should seek to adopt and promote best practices and inspire their teams to learn, experiment and volunteer, and HFMA can help.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA May 29, 2019
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