Healthcare Reform

Verma address among next week’s key healthcare events

CMS Administrator Seema Verma plans to address a gathering of health information data exchange advocates on Aug. 19.

Rich Daly January 22, 2021

June 10-14: See what events are coming in healthcare

Highlights include an HFMA webinar on improving collections and reducing bad debt, conference calls by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and a Senate hearing on vertical consolidation in the healthcare industry.

Rich Daly January 22, 2021

Change Healthcare-Harris Poll study: Every step in the process is a chore for healthcare consumers

Consumers struggle with finding, accessing and paying for healthcare, according to a study presented at HFMA's Digital Annual Conference.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Noncompliance with new price transparency rules appears to be common

CMS's auditing of price transparency commpliance and Tennessee's Medicaid block grant program waiver getting approved are two topics in Healthcare News of Note. Also, HFMA revamps its “Voices in Healthcare Finance” podcast.

Deborah Filipek January 15, 2021

The healthcare value imperative: All eyes on North Carolina’s move to value-based payment

Hospitals and health systems nationwide can benefit from the insights of North Carolina health system executive whose organizations are leading the way in the state’s transition to value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD December 18, 2020

Democratic advisers expect new (and some continued) healthcare policies under Biden

A Biden administration is likely to try new healthcare policy approaches and to build on some from the Trump administration, say Democratic advisers.

Rich Daly November 20, 2020

California v. Texas: What’s next?

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says we won’t know the outcome of the case until sometime in the first half of next year.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 10, 2020

COVID-19 exacerbates bankruptcy for at-risk hospitals

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says there will be a greater number of hospital bankruptcies the longer Congress and the administration dither on additional relief to providers and if more providers have to reduce the volume of non-emergent services due to spiking COVID-19 cases.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 9, 2020

For hospitals, Biden’s healthcare policies include many unknowns

Presidential front-runner Joe Biden has far-reaching healthcare policy proposals, but many details and outcomes remain unknown.

Rich Daly November 3, 2020

Home health provider looks to scale hospital-at-home model

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says this capability positions Dispatch Health as an ideal partner to Medicare Advantage plans or PCPs in risk-sharing models with MA plans, to reduce the total cost of care while maintaining high-quality outcomes.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 28, 2020
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