Healthcare Reform

Marcus Whitney: 3 healthcare innovation trends that leaders should keep an eye on

The workforce shortage, the behavioral health movement and value-based care are areas with the most momentum among early-stage investors.

Marcus Whitney March 30, 2022

Bringing the healthcare back to healthcare

Affording greater freedom to physicians to practice medicine by easing administrative strictures on them may be the best strategy for ultimately promoting cost effectiveness of health, says Martin Bluth. But physicians also should be well educated in the economics and business of healthcare.

Martin Bluth March 25, 2022

David Johnson: Cracks in the foundation, Part 2: Overcoming healthcare’s artificial economics

In normal markets, demand for services at given prices drives supply. Healthcare reverses the equation so demand for services is driven by the supply of healthcare facilities and practitioners, says hfm columnist David Johnson. In this second column in his series examining structural defects of the U.S. healthcare system, Johnson challenges these “artificial economics” and describes how cutting-edge health systems will apply new, more customer-focused economics to become the future market leaders.

David W. Johnson March 2, 2022

Shawn Stack: No Surprises Act is important move toward meaningful consumer transparency

The No Surprises Act, which became effective on Jan. 1 of 2022, will clearly benefit patients, .ut its larger impact is yet to be seen as the industry awaits the release of provisions targeting health plans and payers.

Shawn Stack January 31, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Many health system boards find they are poorly equipped to institute DEI changes, says survey

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Health system boards are willing to change but slow at implementing DEI measures, international nurses are filling the workforce gap, and youth mental health has suffered during the pandemic.

Deborah Filipek January 28, 2022

Medicaid expansion doesn’t appear to bolster finances or operations at critical access hospitals, study finds

Changes in operating margin, staffing ratios and quality metrics didn’t hinge on whether a critical access hospital was in a state that had expanded Medicaid.

Nick Hut December 9, 2021

Gail Wilensky: Physician payment and SDoH challenges loom large on nation’s path to value

Two primary obstacles stand in the way of the nation's ability to achieve cost-effective health and healthcare delivery: the slow transition to value-based payment by physicians and the need to address social determinants of health.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD November 30, 2021

An epidemiologist discusses how we failed the public when it comes to public health

Dr. Brian Castrucci, an epidemiologist and CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, talks with HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer about policies to improve public health, cost effectiveness of health, the future of COVID-19 and the healthcare industry's role in it all.

Erika Grotto November 29, 2021

Rep. Suzan DelBene discusses the Improving Seniors‘ Timely Access to Care Act

HFMA senior editor Nick Hut is joined by Rep. Suzan DelBene to talk about the Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act as well as following up on the Value in Health Care Act.

Erika Grotto November 29, 2021

Healthcare provisions in massive legislation could improve care access but also reduce federal funding for some hospitals

In pending legislation, reductions to disproportionate share hospital payments would be used to subsidize commercial insurance for low-income residents of states that haven’t expanded Medicaid.

Nick Hut November 24, 2021
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