Healthcare Legal

Why the Election Results Matter For 340B Hospitals

Ted Slafsky provides an insider’s perspective on where the 340B drug discount program is headed after the consequential midterm elections. 

Ted Slafsky November 8, 2018

CMS and OIG Seek Input on Fraud Laws

Recognizing the transition to value-based payment and care coordination, HHS is asking interested parties to identify regulatory obstacles to achievement of that goal.

J. Stuart Showalter October 11, 2018

The Internet of Things Presents Security Concerns

The sheer number of networked healthcare devices means larger cybersecurity attacks are easier to execute. For healthcare providers, these breaches are not only disruptive, embarrassing, and expensive, but they can lead to serious medical complications for patients.

J. Stuart Showalter October 11, 2018

Human Trafficking: Hidden Problem, Hidden Costs

New ICD-10 codes allow for clinicians to document treatment of human trafficking victims, but legal considerations should be taken before doing so.

J. Stuart Showalter August 15, 2018

Health System-Owned Physician Practices: Are Any Losses Acceptable?

Health systems that own physician practices should fully address losses those practices incur and take steps to remediate the issues underlying those losses.

Timothy Smith July 27, 2018

Ask the Experts: Reporting Fraud

What types of systems are most hospitals using to allow employees to report fraud?

HFMA July 11, 2018

HIPAA Compliance Needs Improvement

While technology changes over the past 22 years have allowed increasingly skillful data breaches, we can expect even more dramatic developments in the next five years. Attention to potential breaches now—in all their various forms—will be essential to managing unforeseen future threats.

J. Stuart Showalter July 11, 2018

OCR Offers Guidance on Sharing Patient Behavioral Health

OCR has proposed deregulatory rulemaking to clarify when hospitals may share certain patient behavioral health information.

Stuart Showalter July 11, 2018

Yet One More Legal Attack by Republicans on the ACA

Arguing that the removal of the insurance mandate means Affordable Care Act is no longer a tax, the DOJ has now challenged its constitutionality in court. The author also discusses some of the likely outcomes, depending on the court’s decision.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD June 26, 2018

Making Decisions About Monetizing Social Media Data

Healthcare leaders confronted with the decision to monetize sharing of social media data should consider the impact on all stakeholders, the oath to “first do no harm,” and how technology is used and designed.

William Marty Martin May 11, 2018
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