Healthcare Business Trends

Research Summary: 2024 Digital & IT Investment Trends

HFMA, with sponsorship from Guidehouse, surveyed 144 healthcare executives to understand their digital and IT investment priorities going into 2024. The survey found that 85% expected their organization’s digital and technology budget to increase in 2024. The top three priorities for investment included: cybersecurity infrastructure, EHR integration and modernization, and digital front door or virtual…

HFMA November 13, 2023

Is This the Age of the Payvider?

By now, most health systems are familiar with the term payvider, and many are weighing the pros and cons of initiating their own payvider solution. The critical tipping point to act may well be here today, as health systems feel increased pressure to make greater financial and strategic impact for their organizations even as conditions…

HFMA October 2, 2023

Addressing the Rising Patient Payment Obligation: Impact and Strategies amid today’s challenging healthcare environment

In the Fall of 2021, CommerceHealthcare® sponsored a focused survey conducted by the Health Management Academy (HMA), an organization for executives from the nation’s top health systems and leading companies. The HMA survey involved both quantitative polling and in-depth telephone interviews to explore current issues in patient financial experience. This report combines those findings with…

HFMA May 19, 2023

Payvider Survey Summary Report

HFMA, with sponsorship from Guidehouse, surveyed over 100 health system CFOs and finance and managed care executives to understand payvider model trends. The survey indicates that provider organizations are gravitating towards risk-based payment models. Nearly 60% of health systems responding to the survey plan to advance into risk-based Medicare Advantage models this year. Survey respondents…

HFMA January 7, 2022

40% of hospitals reconsidering traditional budgeting amid pandemic: HFMA poll

A n October 2020 HFMA survey, by Strata Decision Technology, found that the COVID-19 pandemic prompted many U.S. hospitals to consider moving from a traditional budgeting process to rolling forecasting, with one in five already having made the move.

Lisa Eramo, MA April 5, 2021

Risk contracting: Outlook and success factors for hospitals and health systems

An December 2020 HFMA survey, sponsored by GHX, found high levels of optimism, overall regarding the future of value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

Implications of the HFMA-GHX study of risk-based contracting

In this article discussing implications of the findings of a December 2020 HFMA study, sponsored by GHX, healthcare leaders share their perspectives on key factors contributing to their organizations' success under value-based contracts.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

5 keys to A/P financing that can help address the healthcare financial crisis

A healthcare organization's an A/P financing solution for supplier payments should reflect its financaI needs needs while also strengthening its relationships with suppliers.

Chris Singerman, MBA December 8, 2020
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