Health Plan Payment and Reimbursement

HHS says the co-provider requirement for good-faith estimates is being tabled indefinitely

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has given hospitals and other healthcare providers a break on enforcement of a looming requirement for co-providers to be included on good-faith estimates (GFEs) furnished to uninsured patients.  HHS announced in an updated FAQ that it will continue to exercise “enforcement discretion” instead of potentially penalizing providers starting Jan.…

Nick Hut December 5, 2022

CareCredit healthcare credit card provides flexible payment options for both patients and healthcare providers

Read about one company's payment solution that gives patients a way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs while enabling health care organizations to receive payment for services within two business days.

HFMA December 1, 2022

No Surprises Act regulations remain a moving target for compliance

Amid all the rules stemming from the No Surprises Act, a looming mandate for providers to send cost estimates to health plans looks like the biggest stress inducer.

Nick Hut October 18, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: UnitedHealth Group can proceed with Change Healthcare purchase after a favorable decision in an antitrust case

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: UnitedHealth Group cleared to acquire Change Healthcare, standard patient satisfaction surveys need to address DEI issues, and homebound older adults contribute to higher levels of Medicare spending.

Deborah Filipek September 26, 2022

Surprise-billing arbitration updates include a lawsuit and new context on rate-setting approaches

A provider association that earlier won a lawsuit over the No Surprises Act arbitration process is going to court again over the same issue.

Nick Hut September 23, 2022

Hospitals issue plea for healthcare policymakers to do more to buttress the industry

The American Hospital Association and hospital leaders say recent financial trends are unsustainable for many organizations.

Nick Hut September 20, 2022

PMMC’s Contract PRO helps hospitals see an average 10 to 1 ROI

When the time comes to renegotiate payer contracts, one company’s contract management system “provides managed care leaders with the ability to model all commercial payer contract terms to quickly understand the impact on net revenue.”

HFMA August 31, 2022

TransUnion Medicare DSH solution helps hospitals identify reimbursement opportunities

Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments payments help serve low-income populations, but comes with a set of challenges such as identifying eligible patients. See one company’s solution by leveraging unique processing and data integration.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Waystar simplifies existing revenue cycle systems for more effective payment

With the industry’s largest SaaS RCM platform, one company surrounds and supplements health systems’ existing systems to simplify healthcare payments.

HFMA August 31, 2022

What revenue cycle strategies enhance the patient experience

In a roundtable discussion, revenue cycle leaders chat about strategies they developed to enhance the patient experience while navigating the payment process.

HFMA August 31, 2022
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