Financial Leadership

A Q&A with Tasha Bell, who holds 5 HFMA certifications

A Q&A with Tasha Bell regarding her certifications and updates about other healthcare finance professionals.

HFMA September 17, 2019

HFMA recognizes 31 members for lifetime member status

Thirty-one individuals in the 2018-19 fiscal year have received waived dues with Chapter Life Membership.

HFMA September 17, 2019

hfm Best Article Award winners for 2018-2019

HFMA recognizes the winners of its Helen Yerger/L. Vann Seawell Best Article Award for outstanding editorial achievement in hfm magazine in fiscal year 2018-2019.

Eric C. Reese, PhD September 11, 2019

Oregon Chapter creates an informational campaign for new Enterprise members

HFMA's Oregon Chapter has embarked on a campaign to help its Enterprise members enjoy the full value and benefits of membership in the Association.

Eric C. Reese, PhD August 31, 2019

Jill Geisler: Why prioritizing workplace integrity matters

Healthcare leaders should strive to achieve workplace integrity for their organizations: environments free of harassment, discrimination and incivility, and filled with opportunity.

Jill Geisler August 27, 2019

Discovering your leadership superpowers and ‘origin story’ on the journey to becoming an effective leader

Leaders can enhance their leadership ability by pinpointing their chief assets as leaders and examining their origin stories to understand what motivates them.

J. Bryan Bennett August 21, 2019

You can succeed with new technology by committing to one guiding principle: simplicity

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer says simplicity should be a guiding principle for success in an era of technological accelerations.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA August 19, 2019

Why private equity firms see the appeal of healthcare finance expertise

Finance leaders of traditional healthcare providers may have opportunities to pursue positions with private equity firms, says a CFO with a leading healthcare startup.

Laura Ramos Hegwer August 19, 2019

Healthcare leaders should re-envision the revenue cycle as a driver of value

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer explains why hospital and health system leaders should frame the revenue cycle as a value driver rather than as a cost center.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA August 2, 2019

The CFO’s role in driving value in healthcare through informed collaboration

Hospital and health system finance executives should promote clinical, economic and administrative alignment between their organizations and health plans as a necessary step necessary for achieving success under value-based payment contracts.

Emad Rizk, MD August 2, 2019
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