Financial Leadership

Effective performance management requires knowing how to give positive feedback

Positive feedback is a powerful tool for performance management when done right. Doing it right requires understanding the definition of effective feedback: information with intent to influence.

Jill Geisler December 31, 2019

This holiday season, let’s celebrate the everyday healthcare heroes

From the President: HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer reflects on the invaluable contributions of the people on the frontlines of our healthcare system.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 20, 2019

How healthcare leaders can look beyond election years and business cycles to what really matters

Healthcare leaders should look beyond political and business cycles and focus on the issues that require their attention in 2020, says HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 17, 2019

Effective performance management requires knowing how to give positive feedback

Positive feedback is a powerful tool for performance management when done right. Doing it right requires understanding the definition of effective feedback: information with intent to influence.

Jill Geisler December 17, 2019

The healthcare CFO of the future: How finance leaders are adapting to relentless change

As the healthcare industry acclimates to disruption, the CFO role steadily is becoming more strategic and expansive, as shown in the experiences of four health system finance leaders.

Laura Ramos Hegwer December 16, 2019

Beyond compliance: Healthcare CFOs face many situations in which ethics can guide decision-making

From deciding on capital allocations to collaborating on efforts to reduce waste, healthcare CFOs have many opportunities to set a tone that influences behavior throughout their organizations.

Laura Ramos Hegwer December 16, 2019

Population health initiative seeks special community status

The governance of Healthy Aurora seeks to equalize decision-making by uncoupling the amount of financial contribution/investment from decision-making authority.

William Marty Martin December 16, 2019

Corporate social responsiveness regardless of tax status

A single organization can engage in both corporate social responsibility, driven by compliance with laws, regulations and norms, and corporate social responsiveness, driven by organizational vision, mission and values and often framed as the “right thing to do.”

William Marty Martin December 13, 2019

Innovation in hospitals can ‘turbocharge’ advances

Once you learn innovation processes, and the tools used by peers, you can apply innovation anywhere in your organization.

Ed Avis December 13, 2019

What leaders should know before having tough conversations about performance

Leaders can enhance their performance management skills if they know how to prepare for tough conversations with employees, then how to stay on course during the conversation and how to follow up afterward.

Jill Geisler December 13, 2019
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