Financial Leadership

HFMA Chair Tammie Jackson: Finance professionals can help the healthcare industry chart a better, more equitable future

The pivot point marked by the COVID-19 pandemic is a chance for healthcare leaders to guide the industry in a direction that better serves all demographics, said HFMA National Chair Tammie Jackson.

Nick Hut November 10, 2021

Annual Conference Day 1: HFMA’s Fifer talks industry challenges, opportunities and the importance of curiosity

The challenges facing the industry are momentous, but healthcare finance professionals should be optimistic about their ability to help find solutions, HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer said during the kickoff session of the 2021 Annual Conference.

Nick Hut November 9, 2021

HFMA’s Annual Conference 2021 kicks off Nov. 8, with options for healthcare finance professionals to attend in Minneapolis or virtually

HFMA’s Annual Conference 2021, which begins Nov. 8, will provide education and networking opportunities for both in-person and virtual attendees.

Deborah Filipek November 5, 2021

HFMA members Bell and Coffin promoted to top positions at HRG

HRG has appointed HFMA members Mark Bell and Jason Coffin as CFO and COO, respectively. Five other HFMA members have been named as new CFOs for healthcare facilities around the country.

HFMA October 29, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: The negative impact of work on health and well-being is the No. 1 reason nurses gave for why they are planning to leave their job

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Negative impacts of work spur nurses’ plans to leave their jobs, annual healthcare spending is higher than ever for insured individuals, and climate change is having a negative effect on human health.

Deborah Filipek October 28, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Healthcare insurers owe hospitals billions of dollars in payments and are putting more patients in a bind with retroactive claim denials, says Kaiser Health News

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Insurers are behind in billions of dollars in payments to hospitals, the strain on clinicians and staff grows amid the pandemic, and CFO duties involve more digital activities and investor relations.

Deborah Filipek October 19, 2021

Healthcare M&A activity for Q3 remains low in volume but high in impact, firms report

The number of M&A transactions involving hospitals and health systems remained at historically low levels, but the average revenue involved was far higher than in recent years.

Nick Hut October 11, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: U.S. will be short 3.2 million lower-wage healthcare workers within 5 years, says Mercer

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Shortages of lower-wage healthcare workers, nurses, physicians and mental health staff are expected, PHI security and burnout are of concern to most healthcare professionals, and the pandemic is expected to affect health insurance rates.

Deborah Filipek October 8, 2021

Hospital CFOs concerned about service lines; some embrace coming disruption

A survey conducted by HFMA for the Healthcare 2030 special series shows CFOs as expecting big changes to the hospital and health system operating model.

Paul Barr, MS, MBA October 7, 2021

How a health system can realize tangible benefits from its digital health strategy

Many health systems today are intent on developing and implementing an effective digital health strategy, and their CFOs are likely to play a prominent and collaborative role in this effort.

J. Alex Bacchetti, MBA September 30, 2021
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