Strategic Planning

Video: Key Points of Focus for Hospitals: CMS Strategy, Bundled Payment, and Cost of Care

Larry Goldberg, principal, Larry Goldberg Consulting, takes a look at bundled payments, quality outcomes, and the cost of providing services.

HFMA June 30, 2017

Short-Term vs Long-Term Healthcare Finance Strategies

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, talks about short-term vs. long-term strategies in healthcare finance.

HFMA June 6, 2017

Video: Consciously Lowering the Cost of Care

Gordon T. Edwards, CFO for Marshfield Clinic Health System, discusses the high cost of hospital care and how Marshfield treats patients outside the hospital care setting at a lower cost.

HFMA May 30, 2017

Sidebar: Screening for Food Insecurity

The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages pediatricians to use a validated two-question screening tool to identify patients who may need help getting food.

HFMA May 16, 2017

Direct Primary Care Gains Traction

Direct primary care is gaining a foothold in the healthcare industry because it promotes convenience for consumers and greater accountability among providers.

Lola Butcher May 15, 2017

Healthcare Strategy in the Year of Uncertainty

Economics continues to overshadow politics as a driver of healthcare strategy for providers, with market forces looming large even amid legislative uncertainty.

Aamer Mumtaz May 15, 2017

Strategic Financial Planning: Summer 2017

Subscribers can access the Summer 2017 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA May 11, 2017

Henry Ford Health System Builds a Population Health Management Platform

The health system’s plan for value-based care involves centralizing core population health management functions and integrating data from multiple sources.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 11, 2017

Food for Health: Taking Care of Our Patients’ Most Basic Needs

ProMedica CEO Randy Oostra describes a program that addresses food insecurity in the community by safely repackaging leftover food from a local casino and distributing it to those in need.

Randy Oostra May 9, 2017

Video: What Provider Organizations Need to Start Successful Health Plans

Paul Keckley, managing editor of The Keckley Report, explores what provider organizations need to start successful health plans.

HFMA May 2, 2017
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