An Independent Hospital Can Succeed—We Are Proving It
Lee Domanico, CEO of Marin General Hospital, explains the organization’s decision to remain independent, and the benefits that have accrued as a result.
Video: How Business Offices Can Transmit Medical Records More Securely
Lula Jensen, former director of product management for MRO, discusses steps business offices can take to make the transmission of medical records more secure and to lower the risk of a breach.
5 Potential Ethical Dilemmas for Healthcare Organization Lobbying
Healthcare leaders can use a decision-making model to identify possible ethical dilemmas at the intersection of health care and lobbying.
Feeding the Demand for Performance Management Information: Reports or Dashboards?
Access to actionable data presented in well-structured reports and dashboard formats optimizes decision-making.
Key CFO Considerations for Implementing Provider-Sponsored Health Plans
CFOs should consider patient volume, potential partners, and costs—which can be $15 million to $25 million to cover startup expenses—when entering into a payer-provider joint venture to build a provider-sponsored health plan.
Mystery Markups: Medical Supply and Drug Pricing Policies Vary Across Hospitals
Hospital markup policies that set prices for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals can vary significantly across the country, leading to large variances in drug and supply charges.
Healthcare Strategy in the Year of Uncertainty, Part II
C-suite leaders from market-leading healthcare organizations are expressing a renewed sense of optimism after months of legislative uncertainty.
Urgent Care Moves to Homes, Offices, Hotels
Offering urgent care and primary care house calls will pay off in the long run through lower total costs, more efficient care delivery, and improved patient satisfaction, say two provider organizations that are taking the lead in implementing such programs.
House Calls for Frail, Elderly Patients Enhance Value
House calls for frail, elderly patients have not gained traction under fee for service but could be a vital component of value-based care.
Video: How to Ensure a Clean 340B Audit
Patt Vilt, vice president of finance for Riverside Medical Center, details steps you can take to ensure a clean 340B audit.