M&A trend: More acquisitions of small or ‘distressed’ hospitals
Hospital M&A deals in 2019 have included increasing shares of financially distressed and smaller hospitals.
Federal policy drives hospital-practice deals but not M&A between hospitals, MedPAC finds
Federal policy is not driving hospital M&A but is encouraging hospital purchases of practices, a key congressional advisory group said.
Analysis: Private equity interest in orthopedics increases
Demographics and payment policy are the main drivers of the surge in private equity deals involving orthopedics practices in 2019.
Analysis: Investment income may not be enough for not-for-profit hospitals as federal reductions in payments continue
A review of why not-for-profit hospitals’ reliance on investment income may not be enough in the face of continued reductions in federal payments to hospitals over the next 10 years.
Where is your health system on the journey to systemness?
Healthcare Innovation: Healthcare organizations should keep track of progress toward operating as a unified system after mergers and acquisitions.
Strategic Financial Planning Fall 2019 Issue
The Strategic Financial Planning newsletter Fall 2019 issue features articles on price transparency, bond underwriters, direct contracting, M&As and business ethics.
Announced hospital M&A transactions, 2009 – Q1 2019
Hospital merger and acquisition announcements were at a 10-year low in early 2019.
Why we need a ‘big tent’ approach to healthcare integration
Integration: The definition of healthcare integration should be expanded to encompass many different players performing a broad array of services, with a diversity of business models, to deliver value top diverse populations.
Analysis: Yes Virginia (and Tennessee), controlling healthcare costs requires hard choicesc
A discussion about the challenges of achieving cost savings by rationalizing care delivery assets, post-merger.
Analysis: 8 steps to ensuring hospital mergers result in projected cost savings
HFMA’s Chad Mulvany reviews eight strategies management teams can take to achieve post-integration cost savings and increase the likelihood that mergers are successful.