Population Health Management

Address risk factors to bend the cost curve in chronic care

To effectively manage the costs of care for patients with chronic conditions, healthcare organizations should look at social and behavioral factors to identify patients who could benefit from care management.

Virginia Gurley, MD, MPH May 28, 2019

How providers can finance, profit from programs to tackle social determinants

Hospital and finance leaders have heard much about the theoretical benefits of addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH). But some have found ways to fund such activities — and get an ROI.

Rich Daly May 23, 2019

Analysis: CMS looks to partner with states to expand dual-eligible care models

CMS is encouraging states to test approaches to integrating dual-eligible patients’ care to improve outcomes and reduce costs for federal and state governments.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 15, 2019

Population Health Management Support Services

A captive health plan’s programs and services can be supported by a broad range of services that can be delivered by partner organizations, including case management, claim recovery, and patient advocacy.

HFMA December 5, 2018

The Critical Role of Health Systems in the Nation’s Response to the Opioid Crisis

Although state and federal programs dedicated to the opioid crisis are helpful, communities—specifically hospitals and health systems—must be dedicated to making improvements. 

Ken Perez June 29, 2018

Optimizing Physician Referrals: A Key to Successful Population Health Management

Providers should focus on improving quality, reducing costs, and delivering a positive patient experience to stage a high-functioning physician referral network.

Clive Fields, MD June 26, 2018

To Succeed at Managing Population Health, Adopt a Health Plan Mindset

To be successful with population health management, healthcare provider organizations should take a lesson from the strategies health plans use to improve the quality of population-level outcomes and performance around costs. 

Allen Miller, MPH May 7, 2018

Revolutionary Medicine: Can Less Sometimes Be More?

The Cuban health system, although challenged by economic issues, has some important lessons to offer the United States when it comes to population health management.

Aamer Mumtaz March 9, 2018

A Population Health ‘A-Ha’ Moment: Focusing Care Coordination on the Right Patients

Predictive data models can point to who will be hospitalized next year with accuracy that frequently surprises health practitioners.

Shantanu Phatakwala January 15, 2018

YEAH! Childhood Obesity Is a Preventable Problem

Jean Mutchie and Amy Walters write about a program at St. Luke’s Children’s that addresses the underlying issues in the fight against childhood obesity.

Jean Mutchie December 8, 2017
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