Population Health Management

Annual Conference Day 3: UnitedHealth, Optum executives discuss resilience strategies for healthcare

Especially after being on the front lines of the most impactful cyberattack to hit the healthcare industry, leaders with UnitedHealth Group (UHG) and Optum have plenty of thoughts on how stakeholders can shore up their defenses. UHG is the parent company and Optum a sister company of Change Healthcare, which was the target of a…

Paul Barr, MS, MBA June 27, 2024

Preventive-services coverage mandate for Affordable Care Act plans remains intact following appeals court ruling

In a decision that could have been consequential for health insurance coverage offered through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces, an appeals court limited the immediate impact. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a lower-court ruling that preventive-care mandates for ACA health plans are unconstitutional. But the appeals court said the…

Nick Hut June 24, 2024

The big picture for healthcare in 2024, with Andrew Donahue

HFMA Policy Director Andrew Donahue discusses what trends and policy decisions will affect the healthcare industry in this election year.

Erika Grotto January 15, 2024

Congress doesn’t seem to be mulling a fix for the 2024 Medicare physician payment cut

Congress has mitigated a scheduled Medicare payment cut for physicians going into each of the last three years, but relief does not appear to be on the way for a fourth year running. Medicare’s 2024 final rule for physician payments includes a $1.15 decrease to the conversion factor, amounting to a reduction of more than…

Nick Hut November 27, 2023

Insights on population health management challenges through the eyes of C-suite leaders

Population health management is at a crossroads, and one key to ensuring its viability is to bolster stakeholder trust in the potential of value-based payment (VBP) models. That was a key takeaway from healthcare executives who took part in a September panel discussion at the 23rd annual Population Health Colloquium, hosted by the Jefferson College…

Nick Hut October 5, 2023

Children’s hospitals swim against the tide to improve the health of their patients and communities

As the nation’s pediatric hospitals strive to keep kids healthy, they face obstacles that reflect the difficulty of enacting structural changes in care delivery. Even pediatric hospitals that are eager to engage in value-based payment (VBP) models can have a hard time establishing the type of network that allows them to affect the holistic health…

Nick Hut August 22, 2023

Annual Conference: Health system CFO panel reflects on the importance of embracing change

The healthcare industry is enduring tough times, but finance leaders are equipped to guide their organizations through choppy waters, CFOs said Sunday as part of a panel discussion. Speaking onstage during the opening session of HFMA’s Annual Conference in Nashville, five health system CFOs described how they’ve responded during a tumultuous period that began more…

Nick Hut June 25, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: 5% of U.S. adults are forgoing healthcare due to transportation barriers

This blog share synopses of three stories for healthcare finance professionals, including Adults with transportation issues forgo needed healthcare and pediatric hospital admissions involving ICU care are increasing.

Deborah Filipek May 15, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: Healthcare private equity deals amounted to a strong $90B in 2022

In 2022, healthcare private equity deals reached nearly $90 billion, the second highest on record. Concerns about increased workloads, staffing shortages and burnout have been felt most acutely by less experienced nurses, according to a newly published study. Patients seeking care in safety-net clinics are accruing chronic diseases at high rates in middle age, indicating…

Deborah Filipek April 28, 2023

Healthcare disruptor Glen Tullman says providers need more of a consumer-centric approach

One of the country’s most prominent healthcare entrepreneurs has a warning for legacy healthcare stakeholders. “Many of you in the audience are leading major health systems, and you’re the hub for healthcare today,” Glen Tullman said during a presentation at the HIMSS Global Health Conference and Exhibition, which took place the week of April 17…

Nick Hut April 25, 2023
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