Partnerships and Value

6 questions about healthcare integration in the 2020s

The question about whether to integrate was answered more than a decade ago. The questions now are, “How do we take full advantage of integration?” and “What do we integrate next and how?”

Keith D. Moore, MCP November 25, 2020

3 steps for executing an effective consumer-driven physician strategy

Physicians and health systems (including hospitals) that collaborate continuously on improving the consumer experience and bringing decisions as close to the consumer as possible will win in the emerging post-COVID-19 world.

Robert A. Dickinson, MBA November 24, 2020

Better together: How TPC’s collaborative platform helped members achieve $30 million in revenue cycle improvement

An initiative that incorporates HFMA’s MAP Keys has significantly reduced vendor management costs, enhanced net revenue and strengthened efficiency and performance among 11 collaborating health systems.

Jeni Williams October 1, 2020

U.S. stands at the forefront of efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine

Given the importance of finding a vaccine to stem the spread of COVID-19, more than 40 governments, including the U.S. federal government in a prominent role, are subsidizing the development efforts with enormous levels of funding.

Ken Perez September 28, 2020

3 contracting strategies to accelerate a COVID-19 financial recovery for providers

Having suffered significant losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers require effective strategies to achieve a more equitable balance with payers, which have actually enjoyed a financial windfall as a result the pandemic.

Kathy Najarian, MHA September 28, 2020

Why Walmart is partnering with Oak Street on three in-store clinics in the Dallas-Fort Worth area

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says Walmart's partnership with Oak Street is due to Oak Street’s reputation for developing a patient-centric care model.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA September 10, 2020

2020 is challenging us to re-imagine integrated healthcare

The recovery plan healthcare organizations use to address the impact of COVID-19 and other factors that have damaged the financial foundations of healthcare delivery are likely to involve increased integration.

Keith D. Moore, MCP August 20, 2020

More independent physician practices likely to seek partners in the coming months due to financial issues caused by COVID-19

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says given the limited days cash on hand independent physician practices report having, it is likely practices will start seeking partners in the coming months, if they haven’t already.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 14, 2020

McKinsey & Company survey: Physician perceptions of COVID-19 risk influence referral patterns

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says these McKinsey findings illustrate the importance of involving physicians in the development and execution of checklists used to safely reopen clinics and restart non-emergent procedures.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 6, 2020

Coronavirus, Walmart and the risks and benefits of M&A

Rich Daly and Chad Mulvany cover the latest from Washington on the coronavirus, Joe Polaris of R1 RCM discusses how to reap the promised benefits of M&A and Rich Daly talks about his interview with Lisa Woods of Walmart.

Erika Grotto June 18, 2020
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