Finance and Business Strategy

61% of hospitals say future compliance with price transparency will impact financial processes: HFMA poll

An HFMA-Strata survey found 61% of hospitals and health systems are revamping financial processes in light of price transparency.

Lisa Eramo, MA August 27, 2021

3 reasons healthcare providers are eager to offer text-to-pay convenience

Healthcare providers should consider the benefits of offering a text to pay option for their patients.

HFMA May 5, 2021

40% of hospitals reconsidering traditional budgeting amid pandemic: HFMA poll

A n October 2020 HFMA survey, by Strata Decision Technology, found that the COVID-19 pandemic prompted many U.S. hospitals to consider moving from a traditional budgeting process to rolling forecasting, with one in five already having made the move.

Lisa Eramo, MA April 5, 2021

Risk contracting: Outlook and success factors for hospitals and health systems

An December 2020 HFMA survey, sponsored by GHX, found high levels of optimism, overall regarding the future of value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

Implications of the HFMA-GHX study of risk-based contracting

In this article discussing implications of the findings of a December 2020 HFMA study, sponsored by GHX, healthcare leaders share their perspectives on key factors contributing to their organizations' success under value-based contracts.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

5 keys to A/P financing that can help address the healthcare financial crisis

A healthcare organization's an A/P financing solution for supplier payments should reflect its financaI needs needs while also strengthening its relationships with suppliers.

Chris Singerman, MBA December 8, 2020
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