Finance and Business Strategy

Five Lessons Health Systems Can Learn From Intuit

Increasing patient access to healthcare data can bolster population health management efforts for consumers.

Dinesh Sheth August 1, 2017

Priority Advantage: Helping Organizations Optimize Their Medicare Advantage Plans

Gene Cronin, vice president for Priority Advantage, discusses the value and benefits of working with a top-notch Medicare Advantage service vendor.

HFMA July 31, 2017

How Consolidation Is Changing Healthcare Markets

Healthcare organizations contemplating opportunities for consolidation can benefit from performing a detailed analysis that considers potential impacts of a variety of possible scenarios.

Keith D. Moore, MCP July 31, 2017

A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Clinical Care and Reducing Costs

The experiences of two health systems provide insight into how healthcare providers can use advanced data analytics to sustainably improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. 

Jennie D. Dulac July 31, 2017

Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Crisis: Action Needed

Legislative action by Congress is needed to address the problem facing the U.S. healthcare system from cost pressures caused by rising prescription drugs prices.

Ceci Connolly July 31, 2017

The Upside of Change

Reframing organizational change can be the key to making change management easier for all concerned.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA July 31, 2017

On Being Bold: Inspirations From HFMA’s ANI

Healthcare finance professionals can take an inspirational lesson on being bold from of healthcare leaders who shared their stories at HFMA’s 2017 ANI in Orlando.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH July 31, 2017

Do Your Physicians Speak Finance?

Advisory Board’s John Johnston and Vincent Joseph explain the value of educating physicians on finance issues.

John Johnston July 28, 2017

Driving Innovation and Business Value in Healthcare with Big Data

Tim Spaeth discusses the importance of high-quality data in healthcare innovation.

Tim Spaeth July 24, 2017

How Consolidation Is Reshaping Health Care

Ongoing trends have challenged healthcare stakeholders to improve care delivery 
by reducing clinical variation, while also increasing their access to capital. 
As a result, consolidation has become a defining factor in business models.With national healthcare expenditures increasing from 12.5 percent

Elizabeth Barker July 19, 2017
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