Finance and Business Strategy

Looking Beyond Cost Control: A New Role for Strategic Healthcare Supply Chain Leaders

Experiences of four healthcare organizations demonstrate the strategic role supply chain leaders can play in helping their organizations perform effectively in a value-based care model.

Michael Schiller August 23, 2017

Consequences of PCI Noncompliance

Healthcare finance leaders should understand that the consequences of noncompliance with the PCI standards for security of credit card information can be severe.

HFMA August 23, 2017

Payment Security and Compliance: A Primer for Healthcare Revenue Cycle Decisionmakers

Compliance with credit card security standards has taken on greater importance for hospitals as with the increased likelihood that patients might use credit cards to cover growing payment obligations imposed by high-deductible health plans.

David King August 23, 2017

Robotic Disruption and the New Healthcare Revenue Cycle

Using software robots to perform repetitive, ongoing financial processes can improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and boost the overall well-being of a health system’s revenue cycle and other data management applications.

Jerry Bruno August 23, 2017

10 States Far Exceed National Average for Average Charge per Medicare Admission

In U.S. 10 states, the average charge per admission far exceeds the same measure for any of the remaining states, significantly surpassing the national average for the measure.

HFMA August 23, 2017

HealthFirst Financial: Opening the Door to Affordable Health Care

KaLynn Gates, president and corporate counsel for HealthFirst Financial, discusses how a patient-centered financing program can drive patient satisfaction and enhance loyalty while improving organizational financial performance.

HFMA August 17, 2017

Contracting With Physicians to Tackle Pervasive Challenges

Hospital efficiency improvement programs allow organizations to address quality and efficiency goals across service lines by providing all inpatient-focused specialties with financial rewards if they achieve specific outcomes.

Jim Daniel August 15, 2017

Moving Toward a Revenue Ecosystem

To maximize results, healthcare finance leaders should establish an integrated view of the organization’s entire revenue ecosystem, aligning across organizational strategy, payer contracting, clinical operations, and revenue cycle drivers.

Kevin Ormand August 10, 2017

Strategic Financial Planning: Summer 2017

Subscribers can access the Summer 2017 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA August 10, 2017

Action Steps for Health System Innovation

Four strategies can drive an innovative spirit within health systems.

HFMA August 10, 2017
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