Finance and Business Strategy

Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best

Now is a good time to rethink your approach to disaster preparedness.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA October 27, 2017

Additional Resources

American College of Emergency Physicians, Lessons Learned from Hurricane Sandy and Recommendations for Improved Healthcare and Public Health Response and Recovery for Future Catastrophic Events, Final Report, Dec. 22, 2015. Arendt, L.A., and Hess, D.B., Hospital Decision Making in the

HFMA October 27, 2017

In the Wake of Hurricanes, Hospitals Should Revisit Their Emergency Preparedness Plans

Every disaster—be it a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or other event—provides a lesson for hospitals in disaster preparedness that should be reflected in their emergency management plans.

Lia Winfield, PhD October 27, 2017

Three Strategies for Aligning With Physicians in a Value-Based World

As health care moves toward value-based payment, health systems should consider their value strategies and identify ways in which agreements with physicians can contribute to those strategies.

Jen Johnson October 27, 2017

Windy Runner: How the midlife start of a hobby became a lifelong passion

Linda Klute started running at an HFMA event and realized it provided lifelong stress relief and comradery.

Etcetera October 27, 2017

Financial Stability Promotes Good Health

Randy Oostra describes the financial opportunity center established by ProMedica, which became the first health system to operate such a center. The goal is to address population health issues.

Randy Oostra October 26, 2017

Meet Your New Boss

A change in CEO presents opportunities for hospital and health system CFOs to understand the expectations and style of their new bosses and become valuable team members. 

Jim Romeo October 13, 2017

Research: Hospital Mergers & Acquisitions

A joint study by HFMA and Deloitte explores how hospital merger and acquisition activity has increased significantly in the past decade, driven by the pursuit of economies of scale and the potential for reducing the cost of care.

HFMA October 10, 2017

hfm Blog Archives: October-December 2017

Catch up on all of the hfm blog posts published between April and June 2017.

HFMA October 9, 2017

EY Leader: Executive Experience Session Showcases Potential for Collaboration

Executive Experience attendees at HFMA’s ANI 2017 provided input on four vital issues that need to be addressed when seeking to establish value-based partnerships.

HFMA October 5, 2017
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