Finance and Business Strategy

Helping Emergency Department Clinicians Understand the Costs of Care

Finance leaders should collaborate with clinical leaders on clinician cost education so they have a greater awareness of room fees, nursing fees, and radiology fees needed to treat ED patients.

HFMA February 8, 2018

A Facilities Reinvestment Schedule Prevents Surprises, Creates Savings Opportunities

Having a disciplined, long-term reinvestment schedule is one way many healthcare organizations keep their facilities in top shape, maximize energy savings, and prevent catastrophic systems failures resulting from inadequate maintenance.

Ed Avis February 8, 2018

Sidebar: Protocol for Online Provider Reviews

At University of Utah Health, ratings are posted for providers for whom 30 patient satisfaction surveys have been returned in the past

HFMA February 7, 2018

Organizations See Benefits of Posting Patient-Generated Physician Ratings

Leading provider organizations are posting their own physician-specific ratings and reviews online, confident that the information is more accurate, more meaningful—and more positive—than that posted by independent review companies.

Lola Butcher February 7, 2018

Mobile Health Strategies for Patients

An efficient, affordable mobile health solution built by a health system in the Midwest is providing a model for other providers pursuing similar projects.

Kevin Palattao February 5, 2018

A Look at the Trump Administration’s Approach to HIT

In 2018, the Trump administration is likely to promote interoperability and consumer-directed data exchange and place increased emphasis how the private sector can help to advance the implementation of health information technology.

Lia Winfield, PhD February 5, 2018

From Disparate Data to Informed Strategies: Using Technology to Transform Quality, Costs, and the Patient Experience

Using data aggregated from disparate sources, hospitals and health systems that can apply data analytics to assess clinical and financial performance and develop strategies that help the ensure their organizations’ long-term success.

Jennie D. Dulac February 5, 2018

hfm Blog Archives: January-March 2017

Catch up on all of the hfm blog posts published between January and March 2017.

HFMA February 5, 2018

The Promise—and Pitfalls—of Integrating Corporate Services

John Johnston explains how a more thoughtful approach to consolidation can help health systems increase cost efficiency post-merger.

John Johnston February 5, 2018

Video: GASB and FASB Updates

Brian Conner, partner for Moss Adams LLP, takes an in-depth look at GASB, FASB, and other accounting updates in health care.

HFMA January 31, 2018
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