Finance and Business Strategy

hfm Magazine: March 2018

hfm Magazine: March 2018

HFMA March 1, 2018

Increasing Consumer Engagement and Empowerment to Drive Value in Health Care

Trends toward increased consumer cost-sharing, consumer engagement, and calls for transparency have significant implications for U.S. hospitals. 

Lia Winfield, PhD March 1, 2018

ALOS Analysis Reveals Significant Regional Variances

An analysis of average length of stay looking at U.S. hospitals identified noteworthy variation among states within each of four regions.

HFMA March 1, 2018

Finding Healthcare Finance Reality in a Cloud of Possibility

Integrated risk planning enables organizations to manage variability and to succeed under an ever-shifting cloud of possibility.

David Ratliff March 1, 2018

What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for Health Care

The Tax Cuts and Jobs act will affect health care in various ways.

Ken Perez March 1, 2018

Using Analytics to Design Provider Networks for Value-Based Contracts

Obtaining and analyzing the right data can help healthcare organizations thoughtfully and successfully plan provider networks with an eye toward value.

Eric Mayeda March 1, 2018

The “Disruptors” Move Into Health Care

Healthcare joint ventures involving U.S. corporations, such as one announced by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, JPMorgan Chase, could significantly disrupt the nation's healthcare system.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD March 1, 2018

Culture Still Eats Strategy for Breakfast

HFMA/Deloitte research reveals the importance of cultural alignment to successful hospital mergers.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 1, 2018

Recent Trends in Healthcare Philanthropy and Foundations: Implications From Activities in New York for the Nation

A study of foundation strategies of hospitals in New York State aimed at promoting philanthropy yielded insights for foundation activities of all U.S. hospitals. 

Walter J. Dillingham, Jr. March 1, 2018

Reach for the Heart: A Plea for Healthcare Finance Leaders

Healthcare finance professionals should use data to tell stories that resonate with listeners, including clinicians, on both a personal and an intellectual level.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH March 1, 2018
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