Finance and Business Strategy

Video: The Benefits of Behavioral Economics

David Asch, MD, executive director of the Penn Medicine Center for Healthcare Innovation, discusses how behavioral economics can help the healthcare industry enable health-oriented behavior.

HFMA March 29, 2018

Not-for-Profit Hospital Downgrades Increased in 2017: Report

March 27—Credit pressures drove more downgrades of not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals in 2017 than in 2016, with the NFP sector exceeding the downgrade-to-upgrade ratio of the recession years of 2008 and 2009, according to a report this month by Moody's Investors Service. 

Rebecca Vesely March 28, 2018

CEOs Meet to Discuss Critical Healthcare Trends

This article highlights a white paper that shares top insights from a Fall 2017 gathering of senior healthcare leaders. Within the meeting, executives offered their perspectives on healthcare trends and gave recommendations for future work.

HFMA March 23, 2018

How to Optimize Enterprise Risk Management Strategy in Health Care

Engaging staff, assessing risk, and employing rapid-response plans, healthcare organizations are cross-functionally implementing enterprise risk management strategies to enhance the value of their services.

Elizabeth Barker March 21, 2018

The Future of the Hospital

Reduced utilization of hospitals has many calling their future usefulness into question.

James H. Landman, JD, PhD March 21, 2018

Assessing Risk in Healthcare Finance Calls for Stewardship

Amid the healthcare industry’s ongoing transformation, healthcare leaders are called upon to be stewards in guiding their organizations through change and managing financial and operational risk.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH March 21, 2018

Has Value Become a Buzzword?

Our shared vision of value is at risk. We won’t attain high-value health care unless we agree on what that means.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 21, 2018

12-Year Trend Shows Steady Rise in Acute Care Hospital Administrative and General Costs

An analysis of Medicare cost reports shows that U.S. Hospitals saw a gradual increase in their administrative and general costs from 2004 through 2016. 

William Shoemaker March 21, 2018

Developing a Future Generation Integrated Healthcare System

To envision new and better ways to rapidly reduce healthcare costs, the U.S. healthcare industry should take a lesson from approaches used by other countries, including China.

Keith D. Moore, MCP March 21, 2018

How Healthcare Providers Can Reap the Benefits of an Actuarial Mindset

By adopting actuarial approaches to managing risk, healthcare providers can improve their financial security, apply greater leverage in contract negotiations, and enhance their clinical capabilities. 

Lindsy Kotecki March 21, 2018
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