Finance and Business Strategy

How to Get Involved in CAQH CORE’s Work

CAQH CORE currently is forming groups to work on healthcare data standardization. Healthcare finance professionals are a core constituent and CAQH welcomes their participation.

HFMA August 15, 2018

Strategic Financial Planning: Fall 2018

Subscribers can access the Fall 2018 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA August 14, 2018

Why Fee-For-Service Remains Prominent

Fee-for-service is still the dominant payment method because of certain economic factors and a traditional industrial mindset that values volume.

HFMA August 14, 2018

5 Keys to Successful Performance Improvement

Bold moves, leadership, and constituent engagement are key to performance improvement initiatives.

HFMA August 13, 2018

3 Actions for Hospital Disaster Preparedness

Hospitals and health systems can take specific actions to continue operations, protect revenue, and limit credit rating downgrades.

HFMA August 13, 2018

Safety Net System Achieves $130M in Fiscal Improvements in 4 Years

Denials management and “keepage” strategies—keeping services within the health system—helped Maricopa Integrated Health Services improve its margins even in the face of a challenging payer mix.

Laura Ramos Hegwer August 13, 2018

How to Really Know Your Payment Rates

A deep understanding of active contracts, combined with proactive and purposeful performance monitoring and open communication with health plans must be in place to ensure that hospitals are appropriately paid and the incentives available to them are aligned.

Debra Ryan August 13, 2018

New Committee for Patient Safety Will Coordinate National Efforts

As CFOs field more funding requests for patient safety initiatives, they need to be included in initiatives that develop a culture of safety.

HFMA August 13, 2018

Refining the Art and Skill of Juggling

The relationship between patient satisfaction and payment challenges financial leaders to keep both balls in play. 

William Marty Martin August 13, 2018

Hospitals Are Using Cost Reduction to Trim Patient Charges

The healthcare industry has undergone a major decrease in average annual charge growth. Hospitals at the lowest end of the charge growth spectrum are using cost reduction to slow the level of charge change. 

Jamie Cleverley August 13, 2018
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