Finance and Business Strategy

Recalibrating Payment in the Era of Consumerism

Among the key functions of an effective patient access program are to ensure patients receive clear and concise bills for their health care and to make those bills easy for patients to pay at the time of service.

Scott Herbst November 28, 2018

Capital Markets 2018 Wrap-Up and Trends to Consider for 2019

The healthcare sectors’ extended access to abundant, low-cost, and relatively low-risk capital will change in 2019, and tracking four key issues will illuminate how those changes impact capital finance.

Eric A. Jordahl November 28, 2018

Work: The Cure For Political Overload

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses why today’s healthcare challenges transcend politics—and the implications for healthcare finance leaders. 

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 28, 2018

2014-16 Trend Shows Continuing Decline in Self-Pay Admissions to Hospitals

An analysis finds a decline in the number of patients admitted to U.S. hospitals without healthcare insurance and an increase in beneficiaries of government-sponsored and commercial insurance plans.

HFMA November 28, 2018

Imagining a More Consumer-Centric Approach to Patient Financial Communications

HFMA, the AHA, and AHIP have developed a guide for healthcare consumers designed to help them know how to avoid surprise out-of-network medical bills; healthcare organizations are encouraged to share the guide with their patients.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA November 28, 2018

Taking a Holistic View of Procure-to-Pay

An in-depth look at how one company is enabling more efficient procure-to-pay processes to streamline healthcare organizations’ financial operations. 

HFMA November 21, 2018

Some Regulatory Reduction Plans Draw Hospital Concerns

Nov. 20—Some of the latest regulatory rule changes aimed at reducing provider burdens have drawn hospital opposition.

Rich Daly November 21, 2018

The 2018 Midterm Elections: Implications for Health Care

The healthcare industry could see some significant changes now that the balance of power in Washington D.C. has shifted. 

Ken Perez November 16, 2018

Nov. 19-23: Social-Need Funding Coming in CMS Models

Nov. 15—New federal payment models in the coming weeks and months will include funding to address the social determinants of health, says the government’s healthcare leader.

Rich Daly November 15, 2018

Hospitals Face Business Impacts from Healthcare Innovators

Nov. 14—Hospitals are facing a range of business impacts from innovative partnerships and approaches that have been launched in recent months and years, according to industry analysts.

Rich Daly November 15, 2018
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