Finance and Business Strategy

How to design a national strategy to end the healthcare workforce crisis

Signs that the United States is in the midst of a healthcare workforce crisis are everywhere: A mounting national problem While exacerbated by the pandemic, the crunch has built for decades. The biggest driver is demographics: By 2029, one in four Americans will be 65 or older, translating into declining labor force participation, including in…

Susan Dentzer, MS October 18, 2023

Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Transformation Goals Address Many Healthcare Finance Topics

HFMA recently spoke with Ahmed Emad Al-Hamalawy, executive director, at Selat, the parent company of NAWA, about Saudi Arabia’s Healthcare Transformation 2030 goals and the critical skills necessary for success in healthcare finance and RCM fields. NAWA was the exclusive sponsor of an HFMA one-day education training at the Global Health Exhibition (GHE) in Riyadh…

HFMA staff October 17, 2023

Amid positive signs financially, hospitals continue to grapple with high costs in labor and other areas

The latest financial metrics for the hospital sector reflect a period of increasing stability but also sustained challenges. August financial data from more than 1,300 hospitals, as reported by Syntellis Performance Solutions, showed improvements in key metrics. The month-over-month increase in median operating margin was 3.5 percentage points, helping the year-to-date margin rise to 1.4%…

Nick Hut October 17, 2023

Buyer’s Guide: Patient financial engagement technologies

This whitepaper is a buyer’s guide to assist in understanding the benefits of how adopting new technology to increase patient financial engagement can improve the bottom line while improving the patient experience:

HFMA October 16, 2023

Why autonomous coding is having a moment in healthcare

Autonomous coding is growing in the healthcare industry, and the market is expected to reach $88 billion by 2030, up from $35 billion in 2022. Some expected outcomes of this include: Faster revenue cycle, less human intervention and improved patient satisfaction and care.

HFMA October 16, 2023

Hospitals push back on Senate report that calls out lack of spending on charity care

Not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals continue to be the subject of congressional scrutiny, with the chair of a key Senate committee issuing a report that questions whether they provide levels of charity care that are commensurate with their tax exemption. The report was released Oct. 10 by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Health, Education,…

Nick Hut October 12, 2023

Healthcare labor union activity gains steam: The consequences for hospitals and health systems

Note: The lead section of this article was updated Oct. 16 with news of a tentative agreement between Kaiser Permanente and the unions. When around 75,000 staff at Kaiser Permanente went on strike for three days starting Oct. 4, they represented more than just the largest-ever labor stoppage in the healthcare industry. They also exemplified…

Nick Hut October 10, 2023

Insights on population health management challenges through the eyes of C-suite leaders

Population health management is at a crossroads, and one key to ensuring its viability is to bolster stakeholder trust in the potential of value-based payment (VBP) models. That was a key takeaway from healthcare executives who took part in a September panel discussion at the 23rd annual Population Health Colloquium, hosted by the Jefferson College…

Nick Hut October 5, 2023

Is This the Age of the Payvider?

By now, most health systems are familiar with the term payvider, and many are weighing the pros and cons of initiating their own payvider solution. The critical tipping point to act may well be here today, as health systems feel increased pressure to make greater financial and strategic impact for their organizations even as conditions…

HFMA October 2, 2023

It starts with mental health: How caring for transgender youth makes for healthier adults

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, executive director for the National Center for Transgender Equality, returns to the podcast to discuss the misconceptions around transition-related care for young people.

Erika Grotto October 2, 2023
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