Finance and Business Strategy

Healthcare finance professionals: Are you ready for the big wave of consumerism and transparency?

Healthcare organizations should avoid going into "protection mode" and actively respond to pressures from government, the private sector and patients to better serve patients while reducing costs of care.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA March 2, 2020

Optum360 helps providers and payers work together to resolve revenue cycle problems

Optum360 illustrates how it is driving change across healthcare by empowering and engaging staff to be creative in solving payer and provider challenges and viewing the revenue cycle more holistically.

HFMA March 2, 2020

Targeting deteriorating margins to preserve mission delivery

A tips-focused article about maintaining tight margin control to ensure an organization can successfully deliver on its mission statement. Includes lessons learned from a recent HFMA Strategic CFO Council meeting.

Duane Fitch March 2, 2020

Why I’m on the cover: A message from HFMA’s president and CEO

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer shares the story behind his appearance on the cover of the January issue of hfm.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA February 28, 2020

When movement isn’t movement: A wake-up call for healthcare finance professionals I HFMA

The results of healthcare finance executives' efforts to drive change will be of little value if they don't also help improve quality, patient experience or cost of care.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA February 28, 2020

Social determinants of health ROI challenges are not yet outweighing potential benefits to patients

The continued shift to value-based care ensures health providers will continue to address SDOH factors.

Katie Gilfillan February 28, 2020

Why health systems need a hybrid strategy and ambidextrous leadership to ensure financial sustainability

In today’s complex healthcare environment, health systems require an effective hybrid strategy that accounts for the fundamental differences among the various markets in which they compete, including inpatient, population health and emerging markets.

David G. Anderson, PhD February 26, 2020

Quality is table stakes, but patient financial experience of care is key to future referrals

A high-quality patient financial experience of care is key to a steady stream of referrals.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA February 24, 2020

Compromise on surprise medical bills is coming, congressional staff say

A compromise solution for surprise medical bills is nearing and could include costs for both providers and health plans.

Rich Daly February 20, 2020

How pharmacists can play a role in curtailing the rising cost of drug therapy

Evidence shows improved collaboration between clinical pharmacists and prescribing physicians can help mitigate problems with selection, adherence and overutilization of pharmaceuticals, which cost the nation hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

William N. Kelly, PharmD February 17, 2020
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