Healthcare Business Trends

Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, November 2021

The November HFMA’s Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, features stories that explore the growing trend toward delivery of healthcare at home, as reflected in CMS’s Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver and a unique senior-care-at-home approach in Southern California that has national implications. The report also includes features that explore leading health systems’ innovative venture investing strategies and the need for more proactive approaches to addressing workforce challenges facing the industry.

HFMA November 24, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Medicare would save $8 billion a year if all hospitals achieved the outcomes of the most cost-efficient performers, says Lown Institute

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: America’s most cost-effective hospitals are identified, employers have boosted telemedicine and mental health benefits during the pandemic, and risk-based Medicare Advantage models gain popularity with health systems.

Deborah Filipek November 19, 2021

The pandemic cast a new light on mental health, and telemedicine provided a new avenue to access. How is the industry likely to view mental health and behavioral health in the future?

Dr. Ranga Krishnan of Rush University System for Health discusses the future of mental health payment and practice. He addresses how provider organizations can address workforce shortages by becoming partners in training and by changing the way they provide care to patients. He also talks about improving mental and behavioral healthcare in a value-based payment environment.

Erika Grotto November 16, 2021

The nation’s healthcare providers have a social obligation to promote cost effectiveness of health

Achieving cost effectiveness of health in the United States is a challenge not only for stakeholders within our nation’s healthcare system but also for our society, says Jeff Goldsmith, PhD, president of Health Futures Inc.

Eric C. Reese, PhD November 12, 2021

Rising to the moment: Addressing COVID-19’s challenges by advancing data interoperability

Improved interoperability in healthcare data exchange has been one byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic that may ultimately help improve the delivery of care — as well as its cost effectiveness — in the United States.

Therasa Bell November 11, 2021

Annual Conference Day 1: HFMA’s Fifer talks industry challenges, opportunities and the importance of curiosity

The challenges facing the industry are momentous, but healthcare finance professionals should be optimistic about their ability to help find solutions, HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer said during the kickoff session of the 2021 Annual Conference.

Nick Hut November 9, 2021

Market disruption: How 4 healthcare leaders are dealing with it in their own organizations

This roundtable reviews disruptors and how some healthcare leaders deal with new entrants to the market, telehealth and the trend of care shifting to a nonhospital environment.

HFMA November 4, 2021

Ken Perez: Healthcare plays a pivotal role in the fate of the Democrats’ social spending bill

Characterized by some as the centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s agenda, the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan is still very much a work in progress.

Ken Perez October 31, 2021

Hospital groups express concern over earlier court ruling that could expand False Claims Act liability

The groups argue that allowing FCA claims to be brought for post-termination actions would defy congressional intent and leave hospitals subject to excessive financial liability.

Nick Hut October 19, 2021

Healthcare M&A activity for Q3 remains low in volume but high in impact, firms report

The number of M&A transactions involving hospitals and health systems remained at historically low levels, but the average revenue involved was far higher than in recent years.

Nick Hut October 11, 2021
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