Healthcare Business Trends

Landmark law to curb drug prices in Medicare has potential, but implementation will be key

Newly signed legislation gives Medicare authority to negotiate the prices of certain high-cost drugs with manufacturers.

Nick Hut August 22, 2022

How healthcare organizations can take the lead in the nation’s quest to improve health equity

Improving health equity in the United States is a challenge that is beyond the ability of the healthcare to meet on its own. But many of the ways our healthcare system currently operates exacerbate health inequity — and that is a problem we can cure.

Richard Jackson August 16, 2022

Final rule for Medicare inpatient payments brings a big rate increase but falls short of what hospitals sought

The final rule for Medicare inpatient payments to acute care hospitals calls for a 4.3% increase, up by more than a percentage point from the proposed rule.

Nick Hut August 3, 2022

Medicare payment updates in 3 final rules could foreshadow good news for hospitals

For hospices, inpatient psychiatric facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities, updated economic forecasting data resulted in payment increases of at least 1% relative to the proposed rules.

Nick Hut August 2, 2022

As revenue cycle challenges accumulate, a new survey suggests hospitals are taking a closer look at automation

For hospitals and health systems, survey results show that the ongoing labor crunch in revenue cycle operations has provided an impetus to expand process automation.

Nick Hut July 29, 2022

Physicians and finance: Managing the differences is critical to building clinical value

To work together effectively, finance and clinical leaders must not only understand but also value and acknowledge the benefits to be gained from their different perspectives on what constitutes success.

George Mayzell, MD July 22, 2022

HFMA’s Annual Conference: Sessions examined hospital-at-home programs, surprise billing dispute resolution and much more

Educational content at HFMA’s 2022 Annual Conference featured timely insights on the most pressing financial and operational issues facing healthcare organizations.

Nick Hut July 11, 2022

4 proven strategies for optimizing revenue cycle performance

Hospitals revenue cycles can all too often experience denied claims and delayed payment due to outdated manual processes and workflow inefficiencies. Hospital revenue cycle leaders can address these problems with a sharper strategic focus on submitting clean claims, managing denials, applying analytics and outsourcing.

HFMA July 8, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: InstaMed report says 87% of consumers were surprised by a medical bill in 2021

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Surprise medical bills were prevalent in 2021, long-haul COVID in the United States is in the news, and a report identifies America's most segregated hospital markets.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Significant social risk is just one reason some consumers struggle with healthcare

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Consumers with significant social risk likely face other barriers to healthcare, some physicians may need interventions to boost their vaccine confidence, and U.S. residents’ life expectancy declines again.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022
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