Enterprise Risk Management

Joe Fifer on Disaster Preparedness

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, shares a perspective on finance/clinical collaboration to improve disaster preparedness.

HFMA October 31, 2017

Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best

Now is a good time to rethink your approach to disaster preparedness.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA October 27, 2017

Additional Resources

American College of Emergency Physicians, Lessons Learned from Hurricane Sandy and Recommendations for Improved Healthcare and Public Health Response and Recovery for Future Catastrophic Events, Final Report, Dec. 22, 2015. Arendt, L.A., and Hess, D.B., Hospital Decision Making in the

HFMA October 27, 2017

In the Wake of Hurricanes, Hospitals Should Revisit Their Emergency Preparedness Plans

Every disaster—be it a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or other event—provides a lesson for hospitals in disaster preparedness that should be reflected in their emergency management plans.

Lia Winfield, PhD October 27, 2017

Consequences of PCI Noncompliance

Healthcare finance leaders should understand that the consequences of noncompliance with the PCI standards for security of credit card information can be severe.

HFMA August 23, 2017

Payment Security and Compliance: A Primer for Healthcare Revenue Cycle Decisionmakers

Compliance with credit card security standards has taken on greater importance for hospitals as with the increased likelihood that patients might use credit cards to cover growing payment obligations imposed by high-deductible health plans.

David King August 23, 2017

Public Health Emergencies: Is Health Care Ready to Respond?

Healthcare organizations that prepare for natural and man-made disasters can help manage the inevitable.

Daniel R. Verdon August 1, 2017

Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things

Cybersecurity attacks to our nation’s infrastructure are increasing. The threat to health care has grown along with the life-saving potential that technology creates. 

Daniel R. Verdon July 5, 2017

Raising CMI Through a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Community Hospital Setting

By reducing interhospital transfers for critical care, one hospital was able to increase its case mix index and increase revenue sufficiently to help support a population health initiative.

Brian Collins June 20, 2017

Building a Successful Investment Program in a Changing Economy

Changes in the economy are bringing new challenges for healthcare finance leaders who oversee investment programs.

Lisa Schneider June 2, 2017
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