
Why healthcare organizations should adopt a transformational mindset coming out of COVID-19

As the healthcare industry starts to look beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders should consider how they can go beyond recovery to transform their operations.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference continues July 15 and July 17 with more virtual education for healthcare finance professionals

HFMA's Digital Annual Conference continues July 15 and July 17 with sessions to help healthcare finance professionals handle revenue cycle and clinical care challenges amid the pandemic.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

How smaller organizations use patient experience best practices to improve competitive edge

From pre-service and onsite financial counseling to the business office, revenue cycle has become the brand ambassador for hospitals and health systems.

Pete Thompson January 22, 2021

COVID-19: How healthcare leaders help their organizations be more consumer-oriented coming out of the crisis

In the wake of COVID-19, healthcare leaders should go beyond reconstruction to consider ways to permanently improve the patient experience.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 22, 2021

TransUnion survey on consumerism: Healthcare consumers want to know the price of a service in advance

Healthcare organizations that have increased availability of price estimates and facilitate clear conversations about the account resolution process anecdotally report improvements in self-pay collections and patient satisfaction, says HFMA's Chad Mulvany.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 22, 2021

Digital Annual Conference featured session will provide insight on applying behavioral economics to drive patient engagement

The field of behavioral economics offers key insights for healthcare stakeholders, including how to promote positive patient behaviors.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

Professional Credit: Engaging Patients in Their Financial Journeys

In this article, Professional Credit discusses how it helps healthcare organizations effectively and positively engage patients throughout their healthcare financial journeys.

HFMA January 14, 2021

New legislation seeks to take unwelcome surprises out of patient billing

A new law called The No Surprises Act is designed to prevent healthcare consumers from getting stuck with potentially large bills after receiving out-of-network care.

Nick Hut January 11, 2021

The consumerism imperative in 2020: coming full circle

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer offers a perspective on consumerism initiatives in this pandemic year.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 25, 2020

3 steps for executing an effective consumer-driven physician strategy

Physicians and health systems (including hospitals) that collaborate continuously on improving the consumer experience and bringing decisions as close to the consumer as possible will win in the emerging post-COVID-19 world.

Robert A. Dickinson, MBA November 24, 2020
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