
How providers should prepare for No Surprises deadlines

Nick Hut talks with John Friedel from Abeo about the No Surprises Act and what providers should be doing now to prepare.

Erika Grotto April 9, 2021

3 questions with Katie Gilfillan: Why it’s time for the healthcare industry to address cost effectiveness of health

HFMA’s director of professional practice and clinical relationships discusses the importance of the Association’s Cost Effectiveness of Health event.

Deborah Filipek March 29, 2021

Prospective HHS secretary: ‘We will do robust enforcement to make sure that price transparency is there for all Americans’

Xavier Becerra, the nominee to be secretary of Health and Human Services in the Biden administration, said transparency is a vital step in addressing the issue of healthcare prices.

Nick Hut February 24, 2021

Feb 25-March 1: Hospitals Push Surprise-Bill Solution

Hospital advocates identified specific steps recently that outlined how they hope Congress will address the contentious issue of surprise medical bills.

Rich Daly February 12, 2021

Odeza: Driving engagement through patient-centric digital communications

One company shares how it partners with health systems in delivering artificial intelligence-assisted digital communications through two-way SMS, voice, email, live chat and web-based chatbots for improved patient communication experience.

HFMA February 3, 2021

Price transparency: the next chapter

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses the latest developments in the societal movement toward full price transparency in healthcare.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 22, 2021

Post-election Washington policy outlook on health policy priorities

HFMA's Chad Mulvany speculates on health policy priorities and changes in the next 24 months, assuming we continue to have a divided government and President-elect Biden's campaign survives President Trump's many legal challenges about state vote counts.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 22, 2021

Change Healthcare-Harris Poll study: Every step in the process is a chore for healthcare consumers

Consumers struggle with finding, accessing and paying for healthcare, according to a study presented at HFMA's Digital Annual Conference.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with more virtual education for healthcare finance professionals

HFMA's Digital Annual Conference continues Aug. 12 and Aug. 14 with a focus on optimizing performance with the latest KPIs, using analytics strategies to lower cost and maximize revenue and using behavioral economics to engage patients.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021

How healthcare organizations can use behavioral economics to get desired results from patients and staff

Karen Horgan, CEO of VAL Health, reviewed how healthcare finance professionals can use behavioral economics to get the outcomes they want from both patients and staff during an Aug. 14 session at HFMA's Digital Annual Conference.

Deborah Filipek January 22, 2021
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