Electronic Health Records

Meadows Health Digital Initiative Improves Patient Communication and Reduces Errors

Meadows Health patient engagement technology has had a positive impact on the registration process, patient satisfaction, and revenue.

Mike Hagan March 5, 2019

hfm Magazine: March 2019

The March 2019 edition of hfm explores people and culture in healthcare finance, focusing on performance improvement, academic-community relationships, and care delivery.

HFMA March 1, 2019

How to Achieve a Return on an EHR

Electronic health records can be a useful population health management tool.

Shaillee J. Chopra February 26, 2019

When Indirect EHR Communication Drives Up Medical Costs

Indirect communication among primary care team members using EHRs is associated with increased hospital visits and higher medical costs for their patients with diabetes, according to one study. Researchers found that medical costs rose by $223 per patient with diabetes in a six-month period for every increase in one percentage point in indirect communication.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 15, 2019

Shared Birthdays Cause Patient Matching Errors

Patients who share similarly spelled names and the same birth dates are particularly susceptible to patient record mismatches.

J. Stuart Showalter November 20, 2018

Patient Matching in the Era of EHRs

It is not uncommon for clinicians to have incomplete or inaccurate pictures of patients’ medical histories and conditions because the record and the patient do not match. This exposes healthcare organizations to medical errors, increased costs, and negative patient experiences. 

J. Stuart Showalter November 20, 2018

Emphasizing Opportunity in EHR Conversions

Christine Pearson, Julianne Dreon, and Matt Onesko explain that as EHR adoption progresses from the implementation phase to optimization, lessons learned contribute to results that may be better than anticipated.

Christine Pearson September 26, 2018

Payer access to EHR data improves cash flow

Sharp Healthcare gives some payers limited access to their members’ EHR data, which reduces the time-consuming cycle of level-of-care authorization denials, appeals, and ultimate approvals.

Lola Butcher July 18, 2018

Healthcare Transformational Landscape: Impact on Accounting From EHR Platforms and Other

The cost of implementing a new electronic health record system can be expensed or capitalized over the life of the implementation project.

Norman C. Mosrie, CPA, FHFMA, CHFP May 30, 2018

Achieving an Aligned Physician Enterprise Through Cultural Transformation

By aligning with physicians and staff members, health system leaders can effect change in their organizations to meet consumer needs and wants.

Michelle Holmes May 30, 2018
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