Electronic Health Records

Healthcare providers face Medicare payment-rate penalties for information blocking under new rule

Healthcare providers will receive a lower Medicare payment update if they are deemed to have engaged in information blocking, according to a final rule from HHS and CMS. For hospitals, a violation will leave the organization noncompliant with the Promoting Interoperability Program, meaning it would lose out on three-quarters of the annual market-basket update for…

Nick Hut July 3, 2024

How digital patient engagement solutions can help healthcare organizations improve their existing revenue cycle

This roundtable features various healthcare professionals who breakdown what digital patient engagement solutions are being implemented and how this not only empowers patients, but also helps organizations looking to improve their existing revenue cycle.

HFMA February 29, 2024

Improving financial performance using clinical supply chain technology

In this HFMA Executive Roundtable, six healthcare financial executives reflect on the biggest clinical supply chain challenges their organization faces and discuss what metrics are most critical to evaluating success and a return on investment (ROI) with clinical supply chain technologies.

HFMA January 30, 2024

New regulations are projected to bring providers a measure of relief from prior authorization headaches

Hospitals and other healthcare providers hailed a newly published final rule designed to improve prior authorization and the electronic exchange of health information. The Interoperability and Prior Authorization rule sets requirements for Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans, state Medicaid and CHIP programs, and Medicaid managed care organizations, all of which starting in 2026 must send…

Nick Hut January 18, 2024

The state of U.S. primary care: How new ways of thinking can spur meaningful improvement

As healthcare stakeholders consider ways to fortify the nation’s primary care system, industry leaders recommend emphasizing several strategies and components — and not waiting to act. “We’re close to midnight in many respects in thinking about how to urgently preserve and expand primary care in America,” Susan Dentzer, president and CEO of America’s Physician Groups…

Nick Hut January 16, 2024

2024 Health System Digital & IT Investments

This survey of 144 provider executives reveals their top digital and IT investment priorities for 2024 and associated challenges, opportunities, and goals.

HFMA November 29, 2023

Proposed rule sets Medicare penalties for providers that commit information-blocking infractions

Hospitals and other healthcare providers would face penalties for knowingly engaging in information blocking, with the sanctions affecting their Medicare reimbursement, according to a proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and CMS. Published at the beginning of November, the rule implements some terms of the 21st Century Cures Act,…

Nick Hut November 17, 2023

Cyberattack leaves hospitals scrambling in several states

A recent attack was the latest to illustrate the potential of cybercriminals to cause havoc across an interstate health system. The Los Angeles-based Prospect Medical Holdings system incurred a ransomware attack Aug. 3 that temporarily required some patients to be diverted from emergency departments and relegated hospitals to using paper records and incorporating other downtime…

Nick Hut August 7, 2023

Leveraging extensible technology to create consumer-centric healthcare ecosystems

Implementing new technologies can eliminate tedious tasks and open the door for more impactful work as well as provide patients with easier access to convenient scheduling, registration and billing options. Dive into this roundtable for additional insight on technologies progressing the industry.

HFMA May 30, 2023

Medicare’s proposed FY24 update to inpatient payments falls short, hospitals say

Hospitals are less than pleased with Medicare’s proposed FY24 payment update for inpatient care. In proposed regulations, the net inpatient payment update is 2.8% after factoring in a mandatory productivity adjustment of -0.2 percentage points. As usual, the update would be reduced for any hospital that does not fulfill quality-reporting requirements or qualify as a…

Nick Hut April 12, 2023
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