Cost Reduction

Leveraging the supply chain for cost reduction

Learn from seven healthcare finance executives about the different strategies used to help reduce their hospital's costs using technology, transparency and automation in this roundtable.

HFMA January 30, 2024

How healthcare finance organizations are working to become more resilient

Seven healthcare financial executives share their strategies for tackling the challenges of financial management in the current environment in this roundtable.

HFMA January 30, 2024

Buyer’s Guide: Patient financial engagement technologies

This whitepaper is a buyer’s guide to assist in understanding the benefits of how adopting new technology to increase patient financial engagement can improve the bottom line while improving the patient experience:

HFMA October 16, 2023

Cost Reduction Program Summary Report

HFMA, with sponsorship from Strata Decision Technology, surveyed 185 healthcare finance, accounting and revenue cycle executives to understand cost reduction programs and how effective they are. The survey indicates that while 89% of healthcare organization have some type of cost reduction program in place, only 6% say their program is extremely effective. Survey respondents select…

HFMA August 2, 2022

Cost-Reduction Strategies Boost, Sustain Recovery

Persistent pandemic conditions are forcing hospitals and health systems to stretch their thinking as they set strategic goals. They are adjusting to managing fluctuating levels of care along with addressing shifts in payer mix, consumers’ demands and increasing cost pressures. These changes, combined with the challenge of inconsistent patient volumes, is putting unprecedented financial pressures…

HFMA February 4, 2022
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