Cost of Care

Healthcare price transparency initiatives may fall flat due to systemic factors, expert says

Niall Brennan, a leading expert on healthcare cost drivers, is among the skeptics who doubt the ongoing price transparency push can result in a more efficient system.

Nick Hut September 23, 2021

The hospital industry is projected to finish 2021 with a $54 billion loss, report finds

The financial turmoil that has affected hospitals and health systems throughout the COVID-19 pandemic won’t be alleviated during the remainder of this year, according to projections.

Nick Hut September 21, 2021

Study finds little correlation between market concentration and high healthcare prices

The findings have implications as policymakers consider ways to curb healthcare prices.

Nick Hut September 21, 2021

Report by Medicare trustees describes a daunting payment picture for healthcare providers

The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is on course to run out of money by 2026, and that assessment wasn’t the only concerning part for hospitals in a new government report.

Nick Hut September 8, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Providers should continue forward movement on improving digital patient access, survey suggests

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Expectations for convenient access to care in the pandemic era, a look at ICU bed use across the U.S., and the cost of hospitalizations among unvaccinated adults.

Deborah Filipek September 3, 2021

Latest financial metrics indicate continuing challenges for hospitals

As COVID-19 hospitalizations increased, some volumes took a hit and margins remained tight.

Nick Hut August 30, 2021

61% of hospitals say future compliance with price transparency will impact financial processes: HFMA poll

An HFMA-Strata survey found 61% of hospitals and health systems are revamping financial processes in light of price transparency.

Lisa Eramo, MA August 27, 2021

OIG report suggests Medicare pays too much to cover capital costs for new hospitals

A new federal report indicates CMS pays excessively to cover capital expenditures during the first two years of a hospital’s existence.

Nick Hut August 19, 2021

Provider conduct could have a big impact on the future of telehealth, experts say

Widespread certification for telehealth could encourage policymakers to retain the waivers that have promoted expanded virtual access, industry experts say.

Nick Hut August 19, 2021

Latest data shows positive financial trends for hospitals, but will the good news be fleeting?

June was a promising month in terms of hospital financial performance, but the delta variant of the coronavirus threatens to reverse many of the gains.

Nick Hut August 7, 2021
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