Cost Effectiveness of Health

Cost Effectiveness of Health

This monthly e-newsletter provides insights and guidance regarding regarding practical steps and strategic actions healthcare organizations can take to increase their margins and ensure long-term financial sustainability.

HFMA October 21, 2021

Accountable care models will be almost universal for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries by 2030, CMS leaders say

A forthcoming revamp of federal value-based payment models will include features designed to encourage provider participation, CMS and CMMI leaders said.

Nick Hut October 21, 2021

Strategic partnership: The key to improved patient experience and revenue cycle outcomes

One company shares advice and trends in addition to how its service offerings can hep healthcare organizations facing challenges, the biggest being people, process and technology.

HFMA October 11, 2021

The stakes are only growing in efforts to improve the cost effectiveness of health, CMMI’s Elizabeth Fowler says

The head of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation spoke with an HFMA audience about the importance of efforts at the federal level and beyond to improve the cost effectiveness of health.

Nick Hut October 6, 2021

COVID-19 requires intensified due diligence to understand its impact on the financial performance of health systems

Analyzing a health system’s financial performance is critical when making business decisions for the organization, but performing such an analysis is far from being straightforward for 2020 and 2021.

Tejash Lodhavia, ASA, CVA September 30, 2021

Bon Secours Mercy Health’s successful merger provides takeaway lessons learned for other healthcare organizations

Two large Catholic health systems — Bons Secours Health System and Mercy Health — initiated a merger in 2018 as a strategy for delivering more cost-effective care to underserved communities amid continued cost pressures and declining payments. Within three years, by using proactive, strategic and transparent communication as the guiding principle for their merger of equals, the combined organizations were able to far surpass the financial and integration goals they had set for the consolidation.

Josh Hesley, MHA September 30, 2021

The future of the clinical workforce: Joyce Fitzpatrick, Case Western Reserve University, and Robyn Begley, CEO of the AONL and chief nursing officer of the AHA, discuss challenges in nursing

Joyce Fitzpatrick, a nurse and director of the Marian K. Shaughnessy Nurse Leadership Academy at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University and Robyn Begley, CEO of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and the chief nursing officer for the American Hospital Association, discuss the challenges facing the nursing profession.

Erika Grotto September 27, 2021

Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, September 2021

HFMA’s Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, is a monthly e-newsletter that will explore ways to ensure healthcare delivery in the United States is not only financially sustainable but also cost effective for all of its stakeholders — including health systems, physicians, health plans and patients. In this inaugural issue of the report, healthcare futurist Jeff Goldsmith shares his perspectives on the need for a focus on improving cost effectiveness of health as a societal imperative.

HFMA September 27, 2021

Why cost effectiveness of health should be the prime point of focus for healthcare

Editor's Note for Cost Effectiveness of Health Report.

Eric C. Reese, PhD September 27, 2021

Why responding to site-neutral payment risk is imperative for hospitals and health systems

As the likelihood of site-neutral payments increases over a range of services, hospitals and health systems must understand which services are most at risk from these changes and determine how quickly they will respond.

Dawn Samaris, MBA September 27, 2021
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