Financial Sustainability

Latest hospital financial and jobs data reflect an environment that remains challenging

January financial data for hospitals show the continuing toll of the COVID-19 pandemic, while February labor numbers suggest an operational recovery that could further increase expenses.

Nick Hut March 9, 2022

Home-based care is ripe for innovation and implementation post COVID-19

Despite the havoc the COVID-19 pandemic created for hospitals, it also created an opportunity for many important lessons learned on how care can be delivered more efficiently and cost effectively in patients’ homes.

Bonnie B. Blanchfield, CPA, ScD December 22, 2021

The economics of a telehealth visit: A time-based study at Penn Medicine

Research into the costs of delivering telehealth versus in-person visits by the Department of Orthopaedics at Penn Medicine sought to answer the health systems’ questions about the long-term economic viability of telemedicine services, and to help inform their conversations with payers about how much they should appropriately be paid for the services.

Neil Ravitz, MBA December 9, 2021

The nation’s healthcare providers have a social obligation to promote cost effectiveness of health

Achieving cost effectiveness of health in the United States is a challenge not only for stakeholders within our nation’s healthcare system but also for our society, says Jeff Goldsmith, PhD, president of Health Futures Inc.

Eric C. Reese, PhD November 12, 2021

Bon Secours Mercy Health’s successful merger provides takeaway lessons learned for other healthcare organizations

Two large Catholic health systems — Bons Secours Health System and Mercy Health — initiated a merger in 2018 as a strategy for delivering more cost-effective care to underserved communities amid continued cost pressures and declining payments. Within three years, by using proactive, strategic and transparent communication as the guiding principle for their merger of equals, the combined organizations were able to far surpass the financial and integration goals they had set for the consolidation.

Josh Hesley, MHA September 30, 2021

Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, September 2021

HFMA’s Cost Effectiveness of Health Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, is a monthly e-newsletter that will explore ways to ensure healthcare delivery in the United States is not only financially sustainable but also cost effective for all of its stakeholders — including health systems, physicians, health plans and patients. In this inaugural issue of the report, healthcare futurist Jeff Goldsmith shares his perspectives on the need for a focus on improving cost effectiveness of health as a societal imperative.

HFMA September 27, 2021

Why cost effectiveness of health should be the prime point of focus for healthcare

Editor's Note for Cost Effectiveness of Health Report.

Eric C. Reese, PhD September 27, 2021

Why responding to site-neutral payment risk is imperative for hospitals and health systems

As the likelihood of site-neutral payments increases over a range of services, hospitals and health systems must understand which services are most at risk from these changes and determine how quickly they will respond.

Dawn Samaris, MBA September 27, 2021

Financial Sustainability Report: August 2021

The August 2021 issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, explores the impacts of COVID-19 on hospital cost reporting and financial statements, and why a hospital’s future payment levels may depend on its due diligence around these processes today.

HFMA September 1, 2021

HFMA’s Annual Conference virtual preview offers a glimpse of what’s coming in November

The three-hour virtual preview of the Annual Conference, including a look at the educational tracks, key speakers and other attractions, is available on-demand.

Nick Hut July 23, 2021
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