Lessons learned from the transition from volume to value
To effectively transition to value, ACO must fully grasp the success factors that will determine future success under value-based payment, including success with downside risk. A research study examined key organizational, financial, market and other characteristics that support the decision to take on risk.
Spillover effects of COVID-19 portend growing challenge for hospitals
Far more attention has been paid to the direct effects of COVID-19 on the healthcare system, including on hospitals, than to its indirect effects on hospitals, which include the impact on care other than COVID-19-related care.
3 steps for executing an effective consumer-driven physician strategy
Physicians and health systems (including hospitals) that collaborate continuously on improving the consumer experience and bringing decisions as close to the consumer as possible will win in the emerging post-COVID-19 world.
Hospitals face challenge in finding healthcare’s ‘missing consumer’
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated demand for more consumer-friendly services and processes. Hospitals should respond by pursuing coordinated, strategic efforts to give consumers better access, experience, pricing and infrastructure.
Financial Sustainability Report: October 2020
The October 2020 Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, explores aspects of healthcare’s transition to value-based payment, including how to pursue a value-based approach to maternity care, and how the transitional approaches differ among hospitals and health systems based on each organization’s unique circumstances.
Financial Sustainability Report: September 2020
The September 2020 Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, explores looming imperatives and opportunities for healthcare providers, including the Medicare Direct Contracting APM and the price transparency rule, with guidance on steps to prepare.
Financial Sustainability Report: August 2020
The August 2020 Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, offers healthcare finance leaders guidance on how to set compensation for physicians in surgical specialty areas and how to pursue a financially sustainable business model for virtual care,
Financial Sustainability Report: July 2020
The July issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, offers healthcare finance leaders insights that can help them prepare their organizations for the future “new normal” that follows the COVID-19 pandemic.
How a West Texas hospital used a PSH to improve outcomes and cut costs
A not-for-profit hospital in West Texas undertook a perioperative surgical home initiative wit a focus on caring for geriatric patients with hip fractures and demonstrate how such an initiative can improve patient access and clinical outcomes while reducing a hospital's cost of care.
Financial Sustainability Report: June 2020
The June issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, provides a broad range of new guidance for healthcare finance leaders on how to adapt and thrive in healthcare’s emerging new world in the aftermath of COVID-19.