
2022 healthcare trends driving change in patient financial engagement

Disruptive changes brought on by rising medical costs and increased patient cost sharing require an evolution in traditional patient billing and collection practices. Rapidly changing state and federal regulations, COVID-19, consumer behaviors and expectations, disrupters, technology and operational challenges impact healthcare in parallel.

HFMA May 31, 2022

No Surprises Act

As a result of the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act, several No Surprise Billing Act regulations will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2022 for providers, facilities and air ambulance services. These requirements include prohibitions on balance billing for certain items and services, consumer notification and consent requirements for insured patients, cost sharing rules and disclosures, and uninsured/self-pay good faith estimate requirements for scheduled or shoppable items and services.

HFMA May 18, 2022

Come for the free haircut, stay for the behavioral health education: How the latest healthcare disruptors are meeting patients where they are

HFMA Policy Director Shawn Stack and HFMA Senior Editor Nick Hut follow up their March webinar on healthcare disruption with an episode-length Beyond the News segment about the latest innovative ventures.

Erika Grotto May 17, 2022

Anthony Comfort of VisiQuate discusses opportunities for technology in healthcare, both in the clinical space and in revenue cycle

The pandemic pushed healthcare organizations to consider how they were using their technology and where the greatest opportunities lie. This week, Anthony Comfort of VisiQuate discusses some of those opportunities as well as barriers to success. Also in this episode, Brad Brotherton of BKD discusses how his firm stands out and how its merger with DHG will strengthen its services.

Erika Grotto May 3, 2022

The negative effect of fat bias on health outcomes

Cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Christopher Labos discusses weight bias in healthcare, including what health indicators to focus on instead of weight and how to help patients who are at risk improve their health outcomes without explicit or implicit fat shaming.

Erika Grotto May 3, 2022

Beyond healthcare: What consumers want

The healthcare industry has a history of organizing business processes around the needs and wants of producers, not consumers.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 27, 2022

It’s Patient Experience Week: Check out HFMA resources on improving the patient financial experience

The financial experience is an important yet often underappreciated part of the overall patient experience. During Patient Experience Week, there are many simple ways for a healthcare organization to celebrate its revenue cycle team’s accomplishments.

HFMA April 22, 2022

Beyond healthcare: What consumers want

West Health-Gallup recently found only 5% of consumers believe that Americans are receiving high-value healthcare. Joe Fifer says addressing this challenge will require a new mindset and an expanded mission, but he believes healthcare leaders are up to it.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 15, 2022

10 Building Blocks of Cost-Effective Health

A report from HFMA's 14th annual Thought Leadership Retreat.

Nick Hut February 28, 2022

Thought Leadership Retreat summary reports

Read reports from HFMA's Annual Thought Leadership Retreat.

HFMA February 26, 2022
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