
Annual Conference Day 4: Geeta Nayyar discusses information gaps and the promise and perils of technology

Applications of technology and the purveyance of information are key issues impacting the efficacy of the healthcare system, author and healthcare technology expert Geeta Nayyar, MD, MBA, explained during Thursday’s keynote session in Las Vegas. In a sit-down discussion with HFMA President and CEO Ann Jordan, Nayyar described working at the intersection of medicine and…

Nick Hut June 27, 2024

Healthcare Blame Game: Patient Rights Advocate’s distortion of price transparency regulations and data, and the ad campaign that’s catching attention

Patient Rights Advocate (PRA) has engaged hip hop artists like Fat Joe, Busta Rhymes and Method Man in its “Power to the Patients” campaign, claiming that regulations around price transparency are not being enforced, allowing hospitals to hide their prices and “charge whatever they want.” On this episode, HFMA Policy Director Shawn Stack and Ruth Lande, vice president of hospital relations at RIP Medical Debt, discuss PRA’s misinterpretation of price transparency regulations and hospital pricing.

Erika Grotto February 5, 2024

10 keys to restoring trust in healthcare: a summary

Note: This article was adapted from a report on HFMA’s 2023 Fall Thought Leadership Retreat. The full report is available for downloading. The issue of restoring consumer trust in the U.S. healthcare system encompasses a wide range of concerns. Factors in the perceived loss of trust include anxiety and confusion over costs, entrenched inequity, misinformation…

Nick Hut January 30, 2024

2024 outlook: Hospitals can expect a steadier year financially, but key questions loom

Although the past year brought more stability for the not-for-profit hospital sector, analysts foresee 2024 as a pivotal period in determining the viability of individual organizations. Fitch Ratings continues to describe the sector’s outlook as “Deteriorating.” In a year-end report, the credit-rating agency said downgrades of hospitals and health systems in 2023 had outpaced upgrades…

Nick Hut December 22, 2023

Measuring what matters to patients is key to hospital ROI

Despite the need to factor consumer behavior into health system business models, hospitals’ current operating model remains provider-centric, with performance metrics focused on transactions rather than the strength and durability of consumer relationships. At the same time, many organizations are hesitant to make investments in consumer-focused solutions for which the ROI is unclear. Through original…

Dan Clarin December 19, 2023

10 Keys to Restoring Trust in Healthcare

The issue of restoring consumer trust in the U.S. healthcare system encompasses a wide range of concerns. Factors in the perceived loss of trust include anxiety and confusion over costs, entrenched inequity, a glut of misinformation about vaccines and other treatments, and data and privacy breaches. To examine the problem and explore solutions, HFMA’s 16th…

Nick Hut December 7, 2023

HFMA Comments on Request for Information Regarding Medical Payment Products

HFMA presents its comment letter to CMS on Request for Information Regarding Medical Payment Products

HFMA September 13, 2023

Summary: 10 vital responses to healthcare disruption

Note: This article is a summary of a report on HFMA’s Spring Thought Leadership Retreat. The full report is available to download. Disruption is reverberating throughout the healthcare industry, and it’s incumbent on legacy organizations to develop strategic responses for the benefit of their consumers, their communities and themselves. With that overarching challenge becoming ever…

Nick Hut August 30, 2023

In proposed regulations, CMS seeks to strengthen hospital price transparency requirements

Hospital price transparency regulations are undergoing changes heading into their fourth year as CMS seeks to step up enforcement while making compliance more straightforward. As part of the 2024 proposed rule for hospital outpatient payments, CMS is adding to the requirement for hospitals to maintain a machine-readable file of their charges for services. In addition,…

Nick Hut July 17, 2023

10 Vital Responses to Healthcare Disruption

Disruption is reverberating throughout the healthcare industry, and it’s incumbent on legacy organizations to develop strategic responses for the benefit of their consumers, their communities and themselves. With that overarching challenge becoming ever more pressing, HFMA’s 2023 Spring Thought Leadership Retreat brought together leaders from across the industry May 4-5 in Atlanta to consider approaches…

Nick Hut July 11, 2023
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