Coding for Antibiotic Resistant Infections
What are the ICD-10 coding guidelines related to superbug infections and medication resistance?
Finding Common Ground on Physician Documentation
Revenue cycle teams looking to improve physician compliance with documentation requirements should identify how better documentation supports physician priorities.
New CMS Guidelines Impact Coder Roles
How is the role of coders in the clinical validation process changing?
Working with Physicians to Improve Documentation
Getting high-quality documentation requires understanding physicians’ priorities, their thinking styles, and the time pressures they work under. Demonstrating how documentation can improve patient care is key to motivating physicians.
Coding for Conscious Sedation
How has coding for moderate sedation and conscious sedation changed?
Cultivating Homegrown Inpatient Auditors
Building a team of internal inpatient auditors empowers revenue cycle leaders to proactively validate coding, determine regulatory compliance, and analyze clinical documentation. The best place to find qualified auditors is to train your own coders for the job.
The Dangers of “Downcoding” in Emergency Medicine
Kenneth J. Heinrich discusses how “routine emergencies” can result in lost revenue due to incomplete documentation.
Raising Red Flags for Coder Quality in ICD-10
By analyzing coder performance data, organizations pinpoint revenue vulnerabilities and mitigate reimbursement risk.
Ask the Experts: ICD-10 Transition
Now that the ICD-10 conversion deadline has passed, what are the top issues that providers are seeing?
HFMA Executive Survey: Revenue Cycle ICD-10 Readiness Survey
As hospitals and health systems address additional time for the ICD-10 transition, it will be key to recognize where efforts stand compared with others in such key areas as documentation training, coding support, contract analysis, and contingency planning. With this in mind, HFMA researchers, with sponsorship from 3M HIS, surveyed executive and revenue cycle leaders about current efforts and top challenges they are likely to face moving forward.