Care Process Redesign

UNC Health: Dementia-friendly care boosts quality, improves the patient experience

UNC Health is training nearly 4,000 clinicians and staff to deliver “dementia friendly” care. Training involves computer-based educational modules, moderated discussions and role-playing.

Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD April 20, 2020

Telehealth’s impact on clinic staffing models post-COVID-19

HFMA's Chad Mulvany predicts that if COVID-19 leads to widespread usage of telehealth, post-pandemic it will lead to a rethinking of primary care clinic footprints and staffing models.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA April 7, 2020

How to Succeed in the BPCI-A Program: Transforming Care Across the Continuum

A strategy-focused article about the importance of robust care coordination and management for successful participation in alternative advanced payment models. Includes information from a recent meeting of HFMA’s Value-Based Healthcare Innovation Council (VBHIC).

HFMA March 31, 2020

How Orlando Health stemmed healthcare costs by eliminating unnecessary clinical process variation

An initiative to eliminate unnecessary variation in care processes for six diagnostic groupings enabled Orlando Health to significantly reduce its average length of stay for the diagnoses while realizing a substantial reduction in cost.

Thomas Kelley, MD March 12, 2020

Main Line Health improves its bottom line by creating a collaborative culture

A health system's multifaceted performance improvement initiative, which yielded more than $120 million in savings, is exemplified by its approach to improving care processes in its ICUs.

Andrew Norton, MD March 5, 2020

IMPACT: The qualities required to promote engagement in change initiatives in any organization

Philadelphia-based Main Line Health attributes the success of its Performance Excellence 2020 initiative in large part to the conceptual framework it used to design and implement the initiative.

Andrew Norton, MD February 17, 2020

Why hospitals should focus on improving the value of care in the cardiac cath lab

Web special: Healthcare finance leaders should be aware of care protocols that can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction while reducing costs, particularly in high-cost services lines. One such protocol is the use of transradial access for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

Amit Amin, MD, MSc January 20, 2020

How using artificial intelligence enabled Flagler Hospital to reduce clinical variation

Flagler Hospital used an artificial intelligence application to support physician-led efforts to develop and adopt care pathways aimed at improving care quality and outcomes while reducing cost.

Michael Sanders, MD January 17, 2020

Beyond compliance: Healthcare CFOs face many situations in which ethics can guide decision-making

From deciding on capital allocations to collaborating on efforts to reduce waste, healthcare CFOs have many opportunities to set a tone that influences behavior throughout their organizations.

Laura Ramos Hegwer December 16, 2019

Staking a claim in home-centered care: A partnership-based strategy

A home-centered strategy can help manage costs under value-based payment structures, increase patient satisfaction and manage total cost of care.

Dawn Samaris, MBA December 16, 2019
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