Care Process Redesign

Physicians score well in Quality Payment Program but receive little for it

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program needs to be simplified to allow all providers to participate without it being overly burdensome.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2020

McKinsey & Company survey: Physician perceptions of COVID-19 risk influence referral patterns

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says these McKinsey findings illustrate the importance of involving physicians in the development and execution of checklists used to safely reopen clinics and restart non-emergent procedures.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 6, 2020

7 ways to improve collaboration between finance and clinical leadership

By taking the right approach to collaboration, healthcare finance and clinical leaders can improve results for their patients and their organizations.

Nick Hut July 27, 2020

How Orlando Health improved its bottom line by optimizing observation services

Orlando Health in central Florida offers a case example of how to effectively manage patients in observation status to reduce average length of stay for these patients, thereby, freeing up capacity for care of patients with higher-acuity conditions.

Richard Basaly, MD June 26, 2020

Intermountain Healthcare to provide hospital-at-home services for some higher-acuity patients

The move to hospital at home for higher-acuity patients by some health systems can create savings for their Medicare Advantage and other full risk products and for its Administrative Services Only clients.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 17, 2020

Telehealth could replace 7% of healthcare spend if COVID-19 catalyzes broader adoption

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the transition to telehealth will require providers to rethink four fundamental questions about how they go to market and deliver services in the virtual arena.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 15, 2020

Optum’s naviHealth acquisition will help lower the total cost of care for UHC members and Optum physician practice patients

Optum's naviHealth purchase rounds out is capabilities, ensuring its UHC members — particularly MA members and Optum's practices' patients — receive the right care in the right setting at the right time post hospitalization.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 4, 2020

Medicaid provider rate cuts forecast as states anticipate budget shortfalls

Because the CARES Act prohibits states that received increased funding from cutting benefits, increasing premiums or restricting eligibility, one of the few available options to reduce costs is making provider rate cuts.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 27, 2020

‘A mountain of work’: Lessons from 2 organizations that restarted elective procedures after the COVID-19 moratorium

Leaders with two provider organizations that resumed elective procedures as COVID-19 began to ebb in their markets describe the most important considerations.

Nick Hut May 26, 2020

Enhanced care coordination provides a blueprint for optimal healthcare, former VA Secretary David Shulkin says

The U.S. healthcare system will thrive if leaders and policymakers take steps to promote holistic care and better access, says David Shulkin, MD, former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Nick Hut May 5, 2020
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