Ambulatory Care

Analysis: Moving joint replacement procedures to the outpatient setting

A review of the potential margin impact on providers from the continued shift of high-volume, high-margin joint replacement procedures to the outpatient setting.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 6, 2019

OPPS rule to bring many hospital financial challenges — and a little help

The long-awaited Medicare proposed rule for hospital outpatient payments includes a high-profile mandate on hospitals to release rates negotiated with commercial health plans, among other regulations that could pose financial challenges. Several smaller provisions could help hospitals.

Rich Daly July 31, 2019

Understanding the unique demands of ambulatory care settings

Successful ambulatory care transitions require a focus on consumer-centric needs and a strong investment strategy, according to a workshop presented at HFMA’s 2019 Annual Conference.

HFMA June 24, 2019

HOPDs vs. ASC: Understanding Payment Differences

The growth of ambulatory surgery centers has hospitals and health systems looking at payment in a new way.

David McMillan, CPA May 19, 2019

At the Tipping Point for Assuming More Risk

An in-depth look at how organizations can build capabilities to implement effective value-based payment contracts and care delivery models.

HFMA September 26, 2018

How to Optimize Ambulatory Care

Leaders from across the healthcare continuum describe how making strategic improvements to an ambulatory platform can boost organizations both financially and operationally.

Kathleen Vega September 20, 2017

New Models Redefine Primary Care

CPC+ is among the advanced primary care initiatives that encourage providers to enhance their approach to health care in a way that boosts quality and patient engagement.

Karen Wagner February 20, 2017
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